Junior School Update

Years 7 - 9

Year 7 Update

Lucy Anderson, Sophie Balfour and Keeley Aglinskas

The second half of Term 3 continued to be a busy one. Our students worked hard in their classes to complete their assessment tasks to showcase their learning throughout their last unit of study. The introduction of snack packs as part of our positive rewards has continued to be a massive hit and well-earned recognition for our Year 7s.


Recently, a huge amount of our Year 7s competed in the interschool sport events for Term 2, these included netball, badminton and AFL. Special mentions must go to our girls badminton team who placed second and our boys AFL and netball teams who placed 3rd. Before we round out the term, we have 4 year 7 students competing at the Regional Cross Country Championships next week. We wish them the best of luck! It has been great to see our kids starting to form their Term 3 teams and begin training. We have some very proud PE teachers!


During the last week of this Term, our kids have the opportunity to participate in a few end of term activities in our Year 7 Learning Space. These include a mega boardgames lunchtime session and a class vs class game session in the gym. As we near the end of Semester 1, we want to give a massive shout out to our amazing group of Year 7s. They have had such a positive first semester of secondary school and continue to make us proud every day. We wish you all a safe and happy midyear school holidays.

Year 8 Update

Tiegan Whitby, Jade Kairys and Tim Bunawan

We have had a jam-packed term with the year 8 cohort which has made 11-week term feel extremely quick!! The year 8s have spent the term discovering different careers options in ICARE, demonstrating their sporting talents in both sport education and interschool sports and working hard in all core subjects. 


We have seen our year 8s grabbing every opportunity they can with sports, going and representing the college in sports that they have never played before or even helping the older year levels out with numbers, it has been great to see the participation rates from students in this area. 


We are also excited to announce the beginning of the Performing Arts Club which will be commencing in term 3 on Wednesday lunch times, this has been a result of some of the hard work of our year 8 CARE captains! We are looking forward to a jam-packed term 3 with the year 8s, full of excursions, incursions and subject selections, lots of exciting things to get them through some rather cold months!


Year 9 Update

Robyn Williams, Georgia Skilton and Lenita Engelke


Careers and Pathways – Year 9

Term 2 has had a strong focus on building student knowledge and skills of their own strengths and interests. All year 9 students took part in the Morissby profiling program where they undertook a range of questionnaires designed to determine their strengths and interests. Once profiling was completed our Year 9’s were invited to meet with a member of the Morissby team to unpack their own data which revealed to students their key strengths and possible future subjects and pathways that matched their strengths and interest areas. This data could be used by the student to help determine future pathways and subject choices moving into the senior school.


Our Year 9’s were invited along to the senior school careers Expo to discover a range of careers, pathways, study options and jobs and were given the opportunity to meet a wide range of industry representatives and talk to them about their careers. Which has a fun filled afternoon of discovery.


Our Year 9’s have all commenced their senior school subject selections this term, the senior team and domain team leaders ran the 2025 year 10 spruik your subject event for students to learn all about the 2025 subject offerings across the college on the same day our year 9’s were invited to attend the senior school subject information evening to learn all about the senior school pathways and now our year 9’s are engaging with course conversations with the senior school to make important decisions around their courses moving into next year.


Future Me experience:

This was an amazing opportunity for our Year 9 students during term 2 – we welcomed The Deakin team of current students and ambassadors to Western Port who ran a range of fun and engaging team building activities with our students focused on trust, communication and teamwork. They visited us twice at school and then we had the opportunity to meet them at the university.


On June 12th our Year 9 students were all bused to Deakin University Burwood for an activity filled day. Students worked with the Deakin university student Mods (Mentors of Deakin) on teamwork, communication skills and met a range of university staff who they interviewed to learn about their career pathways, studies, interests and aspirations. Giving our wonderful year 9’s lots of insight into a wide range of university career pathways they may like to consider.