Primary Sub School News

Sub School Leader: Michelle Davies

Week 10


Hello everyone!   I wanted to update you regarding some exciting events taking place before we finish for the holiday!


24.6.24 - House Colours Day.  This is a wonderful incursion delivered by Kaboom Kids.  Students will have lots of opportunities to participate in a range of fantastic sports activities.  It will be wonderful to see you all there as parents and carers are also invited to attend.


22.7.24 - Musica Viva.  We are delighted to host this wonderful incursion for our students, where they will be joining in with dance, drama and songs.


Absences (Playground)

Please note, when a staff member is absent from your classroom and not replaced, the following steps should be taken when supplementing the playground roster.

Please alert/call Michelle if there are staff not in the designated area during yard duty.

Step 1: Discuss within the team at the beginning of the day. Is there capacity to fulfil the playground roster with existing staff and/or buddy classrooms? Can breaks be manoeuvred to ensure all one-to-one supervisions are honoured during playground time? 

Step 2: If you cannot fill the staff member's duty, please call me so that I can identify someone to do this, prior to the duty time.


Term 3 Assemblies

Following on from our discussion, assemblies will follow the roster sent by Mary earlier this term and will be held in the CLH as usual.  If the CLH is unavailable, the assembly will be held by the appropriate room for that week in their own classroom.  I will create a WebEx meeting so that the assembly can be observed by PSS from their own rooms as needed. Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts.


Signage in Classrooms

Please ensure that the signage sent by Mary is updated asap.


Incident Reports

A reminder that it is essential that incident reports are completed via Xuno, particularly so for moderate to more severe incidents that occur. As a leadership team the data that is taken from Xuno is used on a fortnightly basis to discuss students presenting with distressing behaviours on a recurring basis. This data also assists us in identifying students in need of a new Behaviour Support Plan and/or Behaviour Response Plan, or the revising of existing plans.

Leadership review the reports and cannot enact support without the data being recorded.

If there are many reports to add to Xuno, speak to me about potential release time from the classroom to respond.


PSS Assemblies

Next up… Week 10: Room 5

                     Term 3: Week 1: Room 2


Classroom Team Meetings

If you are unable to hold your CTM, please record the reason on the corresponding week's notes and upload as usual to your room file.



Final drafts of reports are due to be uploaded to Accelerus by the end of this week (21.6.24). Please liaise with your buddy teacher or me to proofread your reports.


I wish you all a wonderful week!  Please let me know if I can support you in any way.


Best wishes
