From Our School Leaders

As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to thank the students, staff and parent community for being so supportive of me while I filled in as Acting Principal during Sue's leave. I had a fantastic time and learnt a lot in the 11 weeks I sat in the role. I would also like to thank Kellie Symons for stepping up into the Acting Assistant Principal role; her ideas and advice have been invaluable.
This term, there have been so many events to make the learning at Scoresby PS engaging for students. We are always busy in schools, but when you list things, it’s no wonder we are all ready for a holiday!
Here are just some of the events and achievements that we have been a part of this term:
- Foundation – Year 4 swimming program
- School photos
- Victorian State School Spectacular Hub rehearsals
- AusKick Super Kick after-school program
- Coding after-school program introduced
- District Athletics – over 50 students participated
- School House Cross Country competition
- Kinder visits
- Education Week
- Foundation 2025 Open Morning
- Mother’s Day stall and breakfast
- District Cross Country
- 5/6 winter sport
- Foundation-Year 6 Buddies excursion to the museum
- Year 3/4 excursion to CERES
- Year 1/2 excursion to Healesville Sanctuary
- Victorian Challenge and Enrichment programs in Mathematics and Writing
- Adoption of a platypus
- Wellbeing Week
School Chaplain
From Term 3 we will have a new Chaplain at SPS. For personal reasons, Sheridan will be reducing her work hours and will only be working on Fridays for the foreseeable future. We would like to welcome Vicky Gibbs as our School Chaplain on Tuesdays, from 10.45am until 3.45pm.
Psychs In Schools
Scoresby Primary School is excited to announce that we have contracted Psychs in Schools to support our students. Psychs in Schools partners with universities to find a way to provide psychologists in schools. They utilise the best treatment model (CBT), in conjunction with psychologists in their 6th year of training, to improve mental health across schools. They also have a support system in place to monitor the success of treatments and a senior psychologist provides oversight and support to all student treatments. Pyschs in Schools works with students across the following areas:
- Friendship challenges
- Social anxiety
- Phobias
- Grief
- Depression and withdrawal
- Externalising behaviours without violence
- School refusal
- Parent separation
- Low self-esteem and confidence
- Social skills training
- Classroom adjustment recommendations
- Behaviour response recommendations
- Acute/isolated experiences of trauma
If you feel that your child may benefit from being a part of this program, please contact Nicole Rheumer on or Sue Hartley on for a pre-referral form.
If you would like further information on Psychs in Schools, please visit their website Psychs in Schools.
School Policies
As part of our review of school policies, we are occasionally required to ask for feedback from our school community on a variety of things. The School Council Education Sub-committee is currently reviewing the following policies:
- Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Bullying Prevention Policy
These current policies can be found on our school website, and we would appreciate any feedback you have on the wording or implementation of these policies. Please send feedback to
Wild At Art is Australia's biggest wildlife art competition for kids. It's an opportunity for children to unleash their artistic creativity while learning about Australia's threatened animals and plants – and the threats facing them.
Wild At Art 2024 will run from 17th June to 12th August. See the following website for more details: Wild At Art: threatened species art competition for kids - Australian Conservation Foundation (
Coding And Robotics At SPS
We wish everyone a safe and happy Term 2 holiday, and look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 15th July.
Scoresby Primary School Leaders, Term 2