Parents & Friends Association News

Cadbury Chocolate Box Drive
The Cadbury Chocolate Box fundraiser has now finished. All money and/or unsold chocolates were due back at school last Friday 21st June and are now outstanding. If you still have money or unsold chocolates, these must be brought to the office asap. Thank you for your cooperation.
Term 3 Events And Activities
Look out for further details about the following events we have planned for Term 3:
- Pie Drive
- Father's Day Stall and Raffle
- Special Footy Lunch
Save The Date
In Term 4, the PFA are holding a Market Day at Scoresby PS on Saturday 26th October, from 10.00am - 2.00pm. We have lots of fun activities and stalls planned for the day that we look forward to telling you more about next term.
It would be great to see as many members of our SPS community come along and support this fun day, so add the date to your calendars now!
We are also making a call to the community for volunteers to help on the day. If you can help for part of the time, or all day, we would value your support. All volunteers must have a Working With Children Check. If you can add your name to our helper list, or would like to find out more, email Kristy at
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Wednesday 17th July at 7.00pm in the Staffroom (also available online). New members always welcome - we'd love to see you there.
Thank you for your support!