Playgroup News

Looking for somewhere to take the kids over the school holidays? Deep Creek Reserve in Pakenham!
We have been lucky to have quite a few families coming to Playgroup, even with all the sickness out there. It has been great to see some friendships grow, amongst the children and the adults alike.
The children have been enjoying the many activities that are on offer. We have a few kids in Playgroup who will be starting Foundation at Scoresby next year. It is a wonderful way for them to get to know some of their peers, as well as giving them a little more confidence, before they start next year.
We hope that you all have a wonderful school break.
If you or someone you know has any interest in coming to Playgroup, please feel free to call the front office or email me at
I found this playground in Pakenham that I really wanted to share, as it is not always easy to come up with a new place to take the kids. This looked like a good one.
Deep Creek Reserve in Pakenham
Located at the end of Cameron Way, Pakenham
Deep Creek Reserve - Cardinia Shire Council
Playgroup Coordinator