Catholic Identity

Professional Learning Day with Colleen Hampson

Monday, 15th July


Last Monday, Colleen Hampson from Catholic Education Sandhurst provide our staff with a full day of Professional Learning on our core Religious Education document, the Source of Life. 


We started our day with prayer to acknowledge and celebrate, NAIDOC Week with a focus on the Catholic Church’s theme for this year, ‘Keep the Fire Burning-Strong in Faith’.


The teachers worked in their collaborative teams to reflect and unpack a Unit of work that they were delivering this term, and with the support of Colleen the teachers delved deeper into the theology behind the Unit and strategies that could be used to support them in their delivery of the Unit and in particular the Major Assessment Outcome for that particular Unit.


Throughout the day the teachers were provided with a refresh on ‘ready to use’ Learning and Teaching strategies which could easily be applied across many other subject areas.


Colleen will be supporting the teachers this term in delivering Godly Play stories for their classes and the Life Relationships program for the Years 5/6 students later this term.


We thank Colleen for her support in unpacking units of work within the Source of Life Religious Education Curriculum and we look forward to her continued support with the staff as the year progresses.





Life Relationships for Years 5/ 6 students

Attention:  Parents or Guardians 

of Years 5/6 students



Here is an important date to 

jot down on your calendar




Wednesday, 28th August - 7pm-8pm 

KEY Presenter

Colleen Hampson (Catholic Education Sandhurst)

Venue: Our School Hall


There is a requirement for all Victorian Schools to address aspects of personal development within their core curriculum provision.  Students in Years 5/6 engage in the Life Relationships Program, which has been developed in the Sandhurst Diocese. The parent/ guardian evening is designed to be delivered whilst students are engaging in the grade 5/6  Source of Life unit Life Relationships. 


A note outlining this important family evening for Years 5 and 6 students only will be delivered via our PAM parent notification system with more information within the next few weeks. 


We hope to fill our hall with parents or guardians and their children as we break open important issues regarding Life and Relationships.


More information to follow via PAM.


St Vinnies THANK YOU letter

Winter Meals Appeal Thank you for all the wonderful food donated from 

all our families at St Brendan’s last term. 

Thank you everyone.





St. Brendan’s PARISH weekend Mass Invitation!


We welcome all families, especially the families of students preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation in 2024, to Mass each weekend!


Our Parish Mass times are:


Saturdays at 6.00pm and 

Sundays at 8am and 11am




Kind Regards,

Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader)