A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,

Welcome back to the second week of Term 3.  There is a lot happening at school since we got back.


Our renovations in the area near the library has progressed very well.  We will have three offices, one will be used for administration in completing financial transactions, pays etc. and two offices used for meetings, assessments PSG meetings.  We also have a brand new resource area for all our educational resources.  This should be completed in the next few weeks.


We are also updating our Internet and Servers.  We have had difficulties using the internet as we have too many users and not enough IP addresses or WIFI.  This also will be completed in the next few weeks.


Students have settled back into school well.  We have had quite a few students unwell, so we ask that they stay home if they have colds and coughs.


Also we already have some jumpers that are not claimed.  Please ensure names are on all clothing.


Parent Teacher Conversations

We will be having Parent Teacher Conversations about your child's progress at school. These will be held in Week 5 on Monday, 12th and Tuesday, 13th August.   Information and bookings will be available soon.


Professional Development

Our first Professional Development day was held on the first day of Term 3, on 15th July with Religious Education facilitated by Colleen Hampson (Catholic Education Sandhurst).

All teachers need to be accredited to teach Religious Education and need to have so many hours each year in Professional Development.


Also, on 30th July at our Staff meeting, Daniel Vella, our Real Schools facilitator will be working with our staff on positive school culture.


Year 5/6 Students

This year Angela Collins and Shinae Harrison will be working with Year 5/6 students who wish to participate in A3 - Australian Arts Alive.  These students will then showcase their talents with a number of other schools on 19th September.  More information to follow throughout the term.


New families

We welcomed to our school this term, some new students in different year levels and families.  We thank you for choosing our school and we look forward to you being a part of our school community.




Kind regards, 



Paula Stevenson 
