
LOTE, Performing Arts, Physical Education, STEM and Visual Arts.


On the last day of Term 2, YRPS held their first ever Indonesian Day! Students wore red and white, and explored various aspects of Indonesian culture. From shadow puppet plays to traditional games, trying on clothes to arts and crafts, it was a fantastic way to wrap up our term. We can’t wait to make next year even bigger and better.


This term, Prep students are diving into the wild world of jungle animals! They’ve been playing charades and having fun finding 'Ular', the snake in our book, 'In the Jungle'. They have also started labelling familiar objects. 

Students in Years 1 and 2 are learning how to describe objects as big ('besar') and small ('kecil'). They’re also getting to know some exciting Olympic sports.

In Years 3 and 4, students are busy writing short sentences to express their likes and dislikes in sports. It's wonderful to see everyone sharing their opinions in Indonesian!

Our Year 5 and 6 students have been learning about famous Indonesian athletes. They’re also expressing their preferences for watching and playing a variety of sports. 

We can’t wait to watch how our Australian and Indonesian athletes perform in the upcoming Olympics!

Bu Grogan
Bu Grogan


Performing Art

As we get ready for our upcoming production, we've been fully engaged in rehearsals; bringing our creative visions to fruition with the remarkable skills of Doug Amey, alongside our invaluable team member, Erica, whose dedication has been instrumental in shaping this production. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering dedication, as your efforts are pivotal in shaping this year's showcase, just as they have been in previous years. 


Additionally, a special thanks to my brother, Jason, who has generously volunteered many hours to help with prop painting and will continue to support us in the coming weeks.


Now, as we move forward, we're reaching out to our community for support in sourcing props and costumes. Please take a moment to check at home to see if you can help with any of the following items:

  • 1 Men’s Dressing gown 
  • Suits and white button-up shirts (variety of sizes welcome)
  • Cutlery (4-person setting, variety welcome)
  • Golf clubs and golf balls 
  • Corded telephones
  • An old video camera or two
  • 2 briefcases
  • Pistol starting gun
  • Large spray bottle

Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference. Let's prioritise sustainability by utilising resources within our community.


Thank you sincerely for your continued support.

Mrs Smith
Mrs Smith


Visual Arts

Hello, wonderful families! This semester is bursting with creativity and fun in our Visual Arts program. Here’s a peek into what our talented students have just started working on:


Year 5/6: Color Run Creations

Our Year 5/6 students are buzzing with excitement as they begin a special project for our school’s colour run. They’re designing vibrant start and finish banners and decorating the race route. It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to work together, share ideas, and bring their colourful visions to life. We can’t wait to see their amazing creations add a splash of fun to our event!


Year 3/4: Olympic-Inspired Sculptures

Our Year 3/4 students are channelling their inner Olympians, starting to create fantastic salt dough sculptures inspired by the 2024 Olympics. They’re excited to choose their favourite sports and bring them to life with paint and creativity. The students are looking forward to sharing their artwork with classmates and refining their skills through peer feedback. Their sculptures will be a wonderful way to celebrate both art and sports!


Year 1/2: Flower Power Art

Our Year 1/2 students are blooming with creativity! They’re beginning to master contour drawing and experiment with India ink to create beautiful flower artworks. Choosing their favourite flowers and exploring new techniques is already a highlight for them. This hands-on unit is not only boosting their artistic abilities, but also their confidence. We’re excited to see their masterpieces take shape!


Prep: Colourful Collagraphs

Our Prep students are diving into the world of collagraph printing and having so much fun! They’re exploring shapes, colours, and lines to create unique collagraph plates and experimenting with cool and warm colours. Watching them collaborate and make bold artistic choices is a joy. Their creativity knows no bounds, and we’re thrilled to see their growth as young artists.


Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. Stay tuned for more artistic adventures and don’t forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming art showcase in November!

Mrs Baum
Mrs Baum