Year 5 & 6

Around our level

National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. Year 5/6 students participate in activities in recognition of National NAIDOC Week. 


This term, our genre for Writing is Poetry. So far, we have looked at rhyming poems and similes. We have some examples in our photos. 

Our classes are preparing for the Olympics. The countries we are researching: 5/6A - USA, 5/6B - Brazil, 5/6C - Greece. You will be able to read all about it in the next newsletter.


5 / 6 A

Alyssa D

This week was NAIDOC week! Our class (5/6A) did some activities to celebrate such as making a little poster, looking at slide shows that teach us about NAIDOC week and some worksheets. The topic of this NAIDOC week was keep the fire burning so that was inspiration for our activities. I feel it was good to learn about the indigenous and aboriginals special week.


Holly Y

N- National                                                     

A- Aboriginal

I-  Islanders 

D- Day

O- Observance

C- Committee


NAIDOC means (to me) a fun way to learn about the past and the indigenous culture and gives me a chance to have fun with friends and family.


Lachlan I

NAIDOC is about respecting your elders and families, it good to respect your elders and families because they will respect you all the time. NAIDOC is about aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Also NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, and that's all that I have to say. 


Ivy K

NAIDOC week is where everyone gets together to celebrate the AMAZING things that the Torres-Strait Islanders and the indigenous community have done. So we celebrated this important day by creating a big poster. And our mottos were:

BLACK,LOUD,AND PROUD! And KEEP THE FIRE BURNIN. Everyone's posters were really good!


Jade L

NAIDOC week is where we celebrate for the Aboriginals and it goes for 7 days every year.I think it is amazing how we think and care about other people.

5 / 6 B

Billie C

NAIDOC Week celebrates the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders who roamed this country and land before we came. We celebrate it to acknowledge the original owners of this land. We can celebrate NAIDOC Week by making posters and putting them up around the school and decorating our classroom in the colours of the Aboriginal Flag.


Lily R

NAIDOC Week (National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee) occurs every year in July, and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year the theme for NAIDOC Week is "Keep the fire burning! Blak, Loud and Proud." NAIDOC Week started all the way back in 1938 and is still going. Day of the mourning is also what they called it; on this day they did a protest in Sydney. We celebrate NAIDOC Week because it recognizes the achievements of the Indigenous people all over Australia. To celebrate, some schools bring in some Elders to do a traditional dance or to talk.


Cooper H

NAIDOC Week occurs every year in July, and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Sophie R

NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observers Committee. The first NAIDOC week was in 1938. The theme for 2024's NAIDOC week is 'Keep the fire burning!'. 


5 / 6 C


The NAIDOC week slogan this year is Keep the fire burning. blak, loud and proud!


Sofia S

NAIDOC week is a special week for the indigenous Australians to celebrate their differences and be proud. One of the sayings this year was Blak, loud and proud. One thing I found out whilst learning about NAIDOC week was that the reason there is no "C" in blak is because they want to challenge and transform the narrative around Indigenous Australians. To celebrate NAIDOC week, we made a poster, canva (creating app), or word art about it. I chose to do a Canva and I included pictures, flags and sentences about NAIDOC.


Aisha R

NAIDOC week is a week to celebrate the Aboriginals and Torres Strait islander people.  The slogan of NAIDOC week is 'Keep the fire burning blak, loud and proud!’ It is spelled blak because of a photograph that stated 'Blak like me'


Levi V

For the NAIDOC activity I created a picture of the Uluru rock with the sun and a blue sky. I did this because it is a part of Aboriginal art.

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


56A - Mrs Freene 

Jade L 

For displaying her artistic talents when completing her NAIDOC poster. 


Pippa R

For writing an amazing rhyming poem.


56B - Mr Hanley

Pippa W 

For consistently demonstrating a real passion for learning that inspires everyone around her!


Billie C

For her enthusiasm with poetry writing!


56C - Mrs Haysom

Achala S

For always wanting to do her best.


Oliver O

For amazing manners. 

Mrs Freene
Mr Hanley
Mrs Haysom
Mrs Freene
Mr Hanley
Mrs Haysom