Year 3 & 4 

Around our level

We are delighted to share with you the wonderful experiences and adventures that our Year 3/4 students had during our camp last week at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. The trip was a fantastic blend of history, discovery, and fun-filled activities that enriched our students' understanding of Victoria’s past.


Our journey began with a lunch stop in Melton before continuing on to Ballarat. Upon arrival at Sovereign Hill, our young historians were immersed in the sights and sounds of the 1850s gold rush era. Students wandered through shops, homes, and businesses, gaining insights into daily life during the gold rush. A favourite experience for many of the students was a lolly making demonstration at Brown's Confectionary, complete with taste testing!

Another highlight was the experience of panning for gold, where students tried their luck in the creek just like prospectors of old. Many excited faces could be seen as they uncovered specks of gold, learning firsthand about the challenges and rewards of gold mining. Witnessing a gold pour, where 3kgs of gold were clarified and shaped, was a mesmerising moment for all, with six lucky students even getting the opportunity to hold the finished gold bar! 


As night fell, the students had the very exciting opportunity to wander around the Winter Wonderlights. Students were mesmerised by lights, sounds and even fake snow falling from the buildings above! Some lucky students got to make Christmas decorations using dried fruit and cinnamon sticks. Others met Saint Nicholas and had a photo in his tent! 


The adventure continued underground with two mine tours, where students explored the depths of Red Hill Mine and learned about the hardships faced by miners.

Throughout the camp, our students demonstrated exemplary behaviour, resilience and enthusiasm. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff and parent volunteers who made this camp possible, and to our families for your support along the way. 


Here is what the students had to say about our camp:

My favourite thing was gold panning. I found a whole rock of gold! - Scarlett


A fun part of camp was sleeping in a good cabin. - Noah F


It was interesting when the soldier shot the gun. - Harry B


The gold pouring was super cool and amazing because the man was really helpful. - Egan H 


My favourite part was panning for gold because I found gold. - Jye C


I liked the Winter Wonderlights because there was a lot of projectors on the buildings. - Patch E

Gold panning was my favourite because I found gold. I found gold crystal and I went to the shop where you can get a bottle of water to put your gold in. Bianca and I worked together finding it. - Poppi B 


I liked all the lights because there was a lot of activities. - Thomas W


I liked the mine tours because they were dark. - Matthew B 


My favourite bit was going to the lolly shop and getting sour grape drops. - Maddison H


I really liked the audio tour in the mine because it looked real. - Annabelle H


I liked watching the lolly making. - Jackson C


My favourite bit was when I got to see the lollies get made. They were warm and delicious! - Lola H


My favourite part of camp was gold melting down and seeing a gold bar in real life. - Aaron L

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


34A - Mrs Macrae 

Archer S

For challenging himself on camp. We are proud of your achievements. 


34B - Mrs Pagliaro

Aaron L

For being safe, kind and respectful on camp. 


34C - Mr Smith & Mrs Tonna

Aubree B

For taking on extra maths practice at home. Well done!


Daisy C

For showing great enthusiasm and resilience throughout Sovereign Hill Camp. 

Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna
Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna