Year 1 & 2

Around our level

In Year 1/2, students have started learning about Geography and Digital Technologies this term. This fortnight in Geography students have been learning about where Australia is on a world map and identifying states, territories and cities in Australia. 


Students have started learning about the upcoming Olympic Games and planning how to decorate their classroom in their assigned country. 1/2A is representing Thailand, 1/2B is representing Canada, and 1/2C is representing Japan. 

For Digital Technologies lessons, students have been learning about how to stay safe online. Students have been watching video clips from Hector’s World, developed by the e-safety commissioner, about how to keep their personal information safe by only sharing their information and passwords with trusted adults at home and school. 


In Literacy lessons, students have been continuing to develop their reading skills by focusing on word endings, including ‘-es’, ‘-ed’, and ‘-ing’. Students have been learning about how to make the correct choice between using ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ when writing words as plurals. 


In Writing lessons, students have started a new unit of writing focusing on poetry. Students have written acrostic poems and colour poems, and are currently working on using alliteration in poetry. 

For Maths lessons, students have been learning about fractions and 3D shapes. For fractions lessons, students have been learning about fractions of a group, fractions of a whole including halves, quarters, and eighths, and identifying the numerator and denominator in a fraction. For 3D shapes lessons, students have started learning how to identify common 3D shapes, including spheres, cones, cubes, square based pyramids, and rectangular prisms. 

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


12A - Mrs Pfander & Mrs James 

Toby S

For coming to school every day with a smile! Great start to Term 3 Toby!


12B - Miss Stevens

Rihanna V

For working hard on your colour poem for the colour yellow! Well done!


12C - Ms Van Loenen & Miss Grogan

Ash M

For his well-composed acrostic poem about playtime. 


Lucy S

For great poetry writing - well done, Lucy. 

Mrs Prander
Mrs James
Miss Stevens
Mrs Van Loenen
Miss Grogan
Mrs Prander
Mrs James
Miss Stevens
Mrs Van Loenen
Miss Grogan