Principal's Message 

Principal: Ken Darby

Assistant Principal: Meriden James

Welcome back! It has been a smooth return to school for Term 3, with a great vibe felt in all the classrooms. The enthusiasm and energy from our students has been wonderful to witness despite the cold, wet weather.


Year 3/4 School Camp at Sovereign Hill

Last week, our Year 3/4 students had a fantastic camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. A huge thank you to the staff and parents who attended and supported this event: Mrs. Macrae, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hanley, Mrs. Pagliaro, Cathy, Erica, Rachel Malloch, David Crossley, Clifton Jones, and Clinton Hogan. Your dedication made this camp a memorable experience for our students.


Attending camp is an invaluable experience for students; fostering independence, teamwork, and resilience. Sovereign Hill provided our students with a unique opportunity to step back in time and immerse themselves in the history of the gold rush era, enhancing their learning in an engaging and hands-on environment.


Trivia Night - August 3rd

Our highly anticipated Trivia Night is just around the corner on August 3rd, starting at 7:30 pm.  Tickets are now on sale, and we have an incredible array of prizes that have been generously donated. This event promises to be a night of fun and community spirit.


A special thank you to our tireless Parents Association for their hard work in organising this event. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. We hope to see the event jam-packed and everyone having a fantastic time!


Tickets can be purchased through the following link: 


Assembly Notification

Please note that while our regular assembly will be held next Monday, I will be absent along with Mrs. James as we will be attending the Annual Statewide Principal Conference at the Exhibition Building. This conference is an important opportunity for Principal class employees to engage in professional development, share best practices, and discuss strategies to enhance the educational experiences at our schools.


Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to another successful term at Yarra Road Primary School!


Have a great end to the week and an even better weekend (good luck to those who start playing football finals this weekend, please keep me updated on how your teams are going)!

Ken Darby
Ken Darby

2025 Prep Enrolment for Siblings

Enrolments are open for Prep 2025. If your child will be starting at Yarra Road Primary School next year could you please submit your online application as soon as possible. 


This first step of submitting an online application is required in order for you to finalise your enrolment.


The enrolment process for 2025 is different from previous years. Please click below to help guide you through this  process.


2024 Trivia Night


PA - Feed Our School Initiative

The Parents Association are requesting expressions of interest for a fundraising initiative by Farmers Pick. 


Please read the information below and click on the button to express your interest.

Library Parent Helpers Wanted

We are looking for some parent volunteers to help contacting library books at home. 


Please contact Kerry, our school librarian, at, if you are able to help. 

'HarryBeans' Fundraiser

The PA are running a 'guess the number of jelly beans in the jar' fundraiser. From Monday the 22nd of July, we will have a jar of yellow and green jelly beans going around to the classrooms. Students can make a gold coin donation and guess how many jelly beans there are. The student with the closest guess will be announced on Friday 9th of August.