Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Over the past week Year Six students have been participating in either our Canberra Camp or our Canberra At School camp program!
Read below to hear about each of the different activities!
Canberra Camp:
Students departed bright and early Monday morning ready for a week of fun activities with Mr Peterson and Miss Grenfell. After a long 8 hour bus journey they arrived in Canberra for a night of good food and a talent show! Anthony Nguyen was our winner with a stomach hurting comedy act!
On day Two, we travelled out to the Canberra Deep Space Communication Centre, where we were engaged in talk about the stars and distant planets! The students asked amazing questions, and had a ball. We then ventured out to Old Parliament house to see the museum of Australian Democracy, where students learnt about Australian history. Finally we finished our afternoon and the National Zoo and the Canberra Arboretum, for scavenger hunt fun.
On Day Three, we spent all of our day travelling around Canberra's CBD, visiting the High court , National gallery and Questecon! Questecon was a highlight for students, with many braving it down the slide! That night we capped the day off with some rock-climbing!
Day Four, brought students wearing their school unforms as we visisted the Electoral office, War Memorial and Parliament house. Students were lucky enough to be present for Question time, and saw heated discussions between the Prime Minister and Opposition. We were lucky enough to meet Tim Watts (Gellibrands MP) who spoke to students about change. We finished our final full day with a trivia with students nailing a variety of questions.
Day five was our return day. We reflected on a great trip, and returned home full of good memories and tired eyes.
At School Camp Program:
Students who stayed at school were lucky to participate in a variety of fun at school programs organised by Miss Weatherill and Ms Farah. On Monday, they reflected on reconciliation week by participating in the reconciliation walk. They then had great class discussions about saying sorry to the Indigenous people who have been impacted by white colonist over the years.
Throughout the rest of the week, students had a variety of Incursions where they learnt about Australia's government. They also got a visit from our local councillor, Susan McIntyre. She spoke to students about how local government works. It was great to see students engage in at school camp activities throughout the week.
Regular Programming:
We returned to regular lessons in Week Eight, where students began to investigate Persuasive writing, Data Representation and our government unit of inquiry.
We are looking to finishing off the Term with our Year Six parliament day. Where students will get a chance to hold an election and vote for their class electorate representatives. Check out some of our amazing triarama's students made!
- MacBooks: Please ensure MacBooks are brought to school every day fully charged. Unfortunately due to OH&S reasons, students are unable to charge their devices at school.
- Mobile Phones: If a student brings a phone to school, they must hand it in to their classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and collect it at the end of the day.
- Uniform: Students must be in full academic uniform everyday, with the exception of their Year 6 polo shirt. On days with sport or PE, students can wear their PE uniform. Students are not allowed to wear other jumpers, or hoodies that are not Saltwater Uniform. Please reach out to Miss Grenfell or Mr Nicolaides if you have an issue having a school jumper during the winter months.
- Late Arrivals: Students arriving to school from 8:40am must sign in at the office before going to class.
- Absences: If your child/ren are absent, please log this on Xuno as early as possible to avoid messages for unexplained absences.
Kindest regards,
Year Six Team