Year Five

Dear Year Five Families,
What a busy few weeks it has been! Our excursion to Science Works was a fantastic success, with students enthusiastically exploring the Indigenous culture and their connection to constellations in the planetarium. During Week Seven, the Year Five cohort organised and participated in Reconciliation Week, where students took part in a Walk for Reconciliation and engaged in meaningful activities, sharing their knowledge and respect for the Aboriginal culture with the rest of the school community. Some of our Year Five students will showcase our recent learning experiences in the following video and images of our inquiry work. Please Enjoy!
- Laptops: please ensure laptops are sent to school each day fully charged.
- Late Arrivals (after 8:40am): Students must sign in through the office and obtain a late pass.
- Absences: Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by parents/carers.
- Camp medical forms & payment: A friendly reminder that camp medical forms have been sent out and are required to be returned by Tuesday 18th June. All payments can be made via Xuno
- Waste-Free Wednesday: Every Wednesday, Students are working together to create a waste-free environment. All students are encouraged to bring their food in reusable containers.