Year Three

Dear Year Three Families,
The Year Three students have had another busy fornight. They are to be commended for their commitment to their learning over this exciting semester.
Reconciliation Week
This week we recognised Reconciliation Week with a whole school assembly and a walk. This was an opportunity for our students to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
In Reading, the students have continued to focus on inferring by using their prior knowledge and text clues to answer questions about fiction and non fiction texts they have read. They have read texts linking to our current unit of inquiry exploring different types of systems. Students have also participated in Buddy Reading, where they had the opportunity to read with a partner to work on their fluency and expression. Students provided feedback to their partner using the Glow (something they did well) and Grow (a goal to work on) strategy.
The students have been working on their narrative writing skills, creating imaginative narratives that transport readers to new worlds and adventures. Students have continued to use two powerful tools: CUPS and ARMs. CUPS stands for Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling, providing a structured approach for students to edit and refine their work. Meanwhile, ARMs, or Add, Remove, and Move, encourages students to enrich their narratives by adding vibrant vocabulary, enhancing the depth and vividness of their storytelling. They have had the opportunity to peer edit and receive feedback from their classmates and set goals in improve their future writing pieces. Students are now working on publishing
In Maths, students continued to learn about time durations and elapsed time. They expressed their understanding by finding solutions to various real life based open ended word problems. They displayed the attribute of thinkers while working collaboratively in small groups to enhance their understanding of time. Students also worked on their individual time goals using My Numeracy on Essential Assessment. Students have continued to explored place value by renaming numbers, developing their understanding that the value of the number is the same however the way that it is represented is different. For example, 345 can be renamed as 33 tens and 15 ones.
In inquiry students have been exploring our first and second lines of inquiry, ‘An inquiry into what are systems’ and ‘An inquiry into how systems work’. They used the thinking tool of the Frayer Model to work in small groups to define a systems as ‘a group or set of things that work together’ , used a thesaurus to find synonyms such as ‘inter connecting’. Students were also able to explain that chaos will occur and we are not able to function effectively if we do not have systems in place.
The countdown is on! There are just over 14 days till the Year Three camp. Please ensure camp payments are made by June 10th. If you would like to discuss the option of a payment plan, please reach out to our wonderful office staff. We want to ensure as many students can have this unforgettable opportunity as possible. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have any other questions regarding camp.
-Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.
-Please encourage students to complete their homework this fortnight. The homework is found on their class Schoolbox page and the Year level page
-Check XUNO and your emails for updates about camp, some of these emails will come directly from CYC
-Please make sure all the student absences are recorded on Xuno and a comment is provided for it.
Kind Regards,
Year Three Teaching Team