Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
It has been a busy few weeks in the Year Two community! As the weather gets colder and illnesses are affecting staff and students alike, students have been demonstrating their resilience as we have had a number of split classes and CRTs covering classes. We thank students and families for their patience during the cold and flu season.
We are asking for donations of any picture story books or childrens' chapter books from families that they no longer need or use. These will be used in classroom libraries so please ensure that any donated books are in good condition and are appropriate for Year Two students.
Students were exploring our new Inquiry unit of Sharing the Planet. For the remainder of Term 2, students will be exploring the central idea, "All cultures share the planet with First Nations people." Students are working towards developing an understanding of who First Nations people are and the important cultural traditions and customs of Indigenous Australians, including Dreamtime stories and the significance of Land and Country.
Over the past few weeks, students have been working on the skill of inferring. Inferring requires students to use their prior knowledge of information stated in a text to draw conclusions. Students inferred to pictures, illustrations and text based on prompts about their feelings, what is happening and what might happen beyond what is seen. Students used their thinking skills to search texts and find evidence to support their understandings.
In Writing, the students have begun to look into recounts. They have discussed that a recount is writing about something that has already happened, recounting the event. We have been concentrating on the '5W's and 1H' as well as sequence of events using ordinal language and paragraphs. To build student engagement in learning the Year Two students went outside to play a game of Tent and Campers. Students then went to draft, write, edit and publish their recount in order to follow the writers process.
In Maths students have just finished their unit on chance where students have explored the outcomes of chance using the language of impossible, unlikely, likely and certain. We have have now started to focus on strategies related to addition. Students have just learnt partitioning using the split strategy. Students over the coming weeks will learn about different strategies such as the vertical, split and number-lines.
- Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
- Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPad to school every day.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.