
Dear Prep families,
Reconciliation Week
On Monday 27th May, Saltwater College held its annual Reconciliation Walk, where all students participated to show respect for our First Nations people. The Prep students were lead by Year Five students on a guided walk, to learn about how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Immerse Drama Incursion
As part of the Prep second Unit of Inquiry, the students have been exploring the Central Idea, ‘Similarities and differences build good relationships’. To celebrate the success and conclude this unit, Prep students participated in the ‘Oh So Emotional’ incursion run by ‘Immerse Drama'.
The incursion specifically helped our students to explore and understand different emotions through drama activities.
Gemma from Immerse Drama engaged the students through movement, music and role playing with each of the Prep classes during her sessions. The students enjoyed the interactive nature of the incursion and it was wonderful to see all students express themselves in a creative way.
Unit of Inquiry
Over the last week, the Prep students have begun exploring their third Unit of Inquiry, centred around the Transdisciplinary Theme, How We Express Ourselves. Learning experiences were planned to provoke students thinking around the Central Idea, 'Emotions, attitudes and beliefs influence the way we act'. We are looking forward to exploring this unit further!
In Reading, we explored text-to-self connections where students were encouraged to use their own experiences and relate them to a character or event within a fiction text. We have been proud of our students reading progress throughout this semester and it has been wonderful to see them asking and responding to questions about texts we are reading in class.
In Writing, students were provided opportunities to write recounts about our Reconciliation walk and also our incursion. The Prep teachers have been amazed by the growth the students have made in writing recently and have been providing learning experiences that provide rich opportunities for writing.
We have begun exploring the concept of Measurement, whereby students are inquiring into the length and weight of different objects. Students have been using key vocabulary such as longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, length, mass, measuring and hefting.
A friendly reminder to view your child's class Schoolbox page for important information and learning updates. Every parent was provided with log in details to access this page via the Schoolbox application.
Prep Wellbeing
Over the last few weeks, our Prep team have noticed two areas that needed to be addressed in our wellbeing lessons. The first was the use of our toilets. Students were reminded about appropriate behaviour in the toilets, specifically that they are not a place to play and the need to be mindful of their noise level. The second issue was about personal space. Our students are becoming increasingly aware of their own personal space and the lessons were about reminding students that there is a focus on keeping our hands and feet to ourselves at all times. We’d appreciate if you could please reinforce this at home.
- Please ensure your child’s iPad is charged and brought to school every day.
- If you have any spare, clean long socks (without holes) that your child no longer needs, we'd appreciate one sock per child to make crafting caterpillars.
- Bring white T-shirt to school anytime from: Monday 29 May but no later than Monday 21 July.
- Snack and lunch times are 20 minutes long. Please encourage your child to eat their snack/lunch within a 20-minute period, as this will help them to follow the school routine.
- Please remember to pack a spare change of clothes for your child. Sometimes, little children can have toileting accidents and spills at school.
- Lastly, a reminder about bringing in headphones if you have not already done so. We will be using them alongside the iPads.
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.