Principal's Message

Ms Reynolds

Welcome to Winter!

Winter has begun and the chilly weather is here. If you need a school jumper - we have 3 different types to choose from: 

  • Zip Jacket $35
  • New jumper (with small logo) $32
  • Old jumper (with large logo) $20.
Khadija, Asma & Moussa in full school uniform :)
Khadija, Asma & Moussa in full school uniform :)

All of these are still school uniform! You can buy from the Uniform Shop - Friday mornings 9am or ring the school office and Renee will organise for you.

Now More Than Ever

Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have been looking at what Reconciliation Week means to them. Some classes have been reading books by First Nations authors; some have been doing artworks; some have been listening to First Nations singers; and some have been writing their own Acknowledgement of Country.


All across our school, we have been using Reconciliation Week to reflect on what we know about Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander culture, stories and histories.

Kindy artworks
Kindy artworks
S3 wrote their own class Acknowledgement.
S3 wrote their own class Acknowledgement.

A beautiful book we've been reading is Finding our Heart, by Thomas Mayo. You can read it here.


You might also like to listen to: Mitch Tambo or Christine Anu

Ask your child what they have been doing to recognise Reconciliation Week.


What's Been happening outside of classrooms?

Stage 3 Excursion

Ranger Jamie Tours wrote to our school after the excursion commenting on our kids' great behaviour!:

"We commend your students from Granville East Public School for their wonderful behaviour, as they were respectful and contributed to the seamless flow of the day."



STARTTS is a refugee support service. They came last week and ran some programs with our staff around working with refugees and their families. It was amazing training!


8 visiting Principals!

Last week I hosted 8 visiting principals (one was Mrs Tainsh - who said hello to everyone!!). We had a day of training around rigorous curriculum and I walked the visitors around our school and some classrooms. They were very impressed with both the students and the school.


Come and Play with paint!

Stage 1 hosted a Paint and Sip afternoon - with over 62 family members coming along to support!!!


Sausage Sizzle madness!

The Stage 1 teaching team also spent a day (in the rain!) at Bunnings Villawood serving sausages as a fundraiser. They raised over $2,400!


Parenting in Dari

Our parenting group has been going well - with a Dari speaker from Cumberland Multicultural Community Services.

Each Tuesday morning at 9am.


Basketball fever!

The Western Sydney Wolves have been running basketball clinics with our Years 3-6 students. What a great way to develop skills - from real-life athletes!


Cakes! Cakes!

Today, the SRC hosted our Biggest Morning Tea - and it was a great success! Thank you to families for brining in donations - we had a range of store-bought and home-cooked goodies on sale at recess.  We raised $540 - all funds will go to the Australian Cancer Council.


SRC & Student Leaders ready at the stall
Leaders selling to students
SRC & Student Leaders ready at the stall
Leaders selling to students

Enjoy the long weekend - see you on Tuesday 11 June.


L Reynolds
