Learning & Teaching

Wellbeing Groups
Next Friday afternoon, all students will participate in their third multi-age Wellbeing Group session. The focus of the session is Respect. The students will be learning to articulate what being respectful means and discuss the different ways that they can be respectful at school.
In these multi-age Wellbeing Groups, older children have the opportunity to mentor younger children and take leadership roles in the classroom. Older children model more sophisticated approaches to problem solving and the younger children are able to accomplish more with the assistance of older children. It is hoped that our students become a “family of learners” over time who care and support one another. Younger children are encouraged to seek out support from older children in the classroom and around the school. A sense of cooperation and caring then develops as children begin to take an interest in one another’s success across age groups.
Year 5/6 ThinkUKnow Workshop
On June 25, the Year 5/6s will participate in a ThinkUKnow workshop run by Leading Senior Constable, Sonia De Filippis. The short presentation will address the impact of bullying on victims, the ongoing mental harm caused by discussing Social, Verbal, Physical and Cyber bullying and the criminal offences bullies can be charged with and how to get help.