Deputy Principal

Semester 1 Reports
Staff are currently working on assessment and reporting as they gather evidence to support students' academic achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework.
Your child's achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework for the semester is rated against a five point descriptor scale, displayed by a Dot, which identifies whether your child is:
- Well above standard
- Above standard
- At standard
- Below standard
- Well below standard
Not all strands of a Learning Area are reported on each semester. If a child is showing the same result at the end of Semester 1 compared to the previous report, this does mean that progress has not occurred. Progress is not always even and each child has his/her own rate of learning. Each increment represents six month's growth and your child may still be progressing, but consolidating what has been learnt previously e.g. your child may have shown five months growth, but not moved up an increment.
The Student Report format will contain a personalised 'Comment on Student Learning' which may refer to the student's academic achievement, personal and interpersonal skills, thinking skills, organisational skills as well as behaviour and effort.
The Student Report will provide you with an overview of your child's achievements and assist in strengthening our family-school partnership. The Student Report is intended to promote discussion at the Parent/Teacher Chat about how we can work together to benefit your child.
You will be receiving your child’s Semester 1 Report online via the nForma Parent Portal. Instructions on how to access the nForma Parent Portal will be sent out to the email addresses that have been previously supplied to the school. It is very important that you have updated your email addresses with the school, as an automated email containing instructions and login details will come from and not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address. For security purposes, all passwords have been reset since 2023.
Semester 1 Reports will be emailed on Friday 28 June.
Parent/Teacher Chats - Thursday 18 July
Parent/Teacher Chats will take place next term, on Thursday 18 July. On this day, the children will finish school at 12.45pm and the first interviews will commence at 1.30pm, finishing at 7.30pm. If you are unable to pick your children up there will be supervision provided by staff not engaged in the Parent Teacher Chats until 3.15pm. A separate Operoo form will be sent regarding this. After School Care will be provided as usual from 3.15pm onwards. To book your child in to After School Care, please contact Camp Australia directly.
Bookings will open online next Monday 17 June at 9am. The booking link and code will be sent to all families via an Audiri app notification at this time. Bookings will close on Wednesday 17 July at 3.15pm. All Parent/Teacher Chats will be held ‘face to face’ as was the case earlier this year.
The purpose of these chats is to meet with your child's classroom teacher, discussing with them, your child’s learning progression and achievement in Semester One. Your child's Semester One Report will assist with these Parent/Teacher Chats. If you have more complex issues or concerns about your child please organise an additional meeting with the teacher.
Student Health
At this time of the year, we unfortunately see an increase in colds, flu, and winter respiratory viruses. Please ensure that you keep your child home/away from school if they have symptoms and seek medical attention as required. We have had numerous students unwell with cold-like virus and wanted to ensure you are alerted to this and assist with monitoring your children. We thank you for collecting your children when they are unwell.
A reminder that children are asked to please only bring $2 with them to school each Friday in a labelled purse/wallet or a zip lock bag.
We also ask for your support in ensuring that your child does not order too many items e.g. 3 icy poles, as they are unable to eat everything in the given time. Please talk to your child about the suggested items to buy before Tuckshop day.
For Child Safety and OH&S compliance, children of parents assisting in the tuckshop, are not allowed to enter the kitchen area. They must line up at the window.
Many thanks for your support and assistance with this.