Kindergarten News

and Upcoming Calendar Events

Healthy Chicken and Vegetable Dumplings

This week we made delicious chicken and veggie dumplings. The children used a special dumpling folder, wetting the edges of the dumpling skin and pressing it together. We then cooked the dumplings in our electric frypan and ate them with our lunch. It was wonderful to see so many of the children having a taste of the dumplings and coming back for seconds and thirds!

Cooking activities are wonderful opportunities for children to have practical firsthand experience of exploring the world of food. Not only do the children learn how food is prepared but they are also able to extend on their vocabulary. It's important to encourage each child's language development through cooking by: talking to a child about how food smells, tastes, looks and feels, explaining how heat changes food, the names of various foods, how many cups or teaspoons of an ingredient you are using. Cooking appeals to children's senses and provides many learning opportunities.


Would you like to find our more about our Kinder?

We would love to invite you to tour our kindergarten.  For tours, please contact Charlotte (kindergarten director) on 98971265 or register here (via our website).


The link to our central enrolment system to enroll for 2023 is below: