Digi Tech

News from the DigiTech Lab
Foundation have made a wonderful start to the year showing the knowledge that they have brought from home. They have been using the Foundation iPads to learn basic skills such as using the Home button to return to the desktop, using swipe up/down/left & right to navigate around the ipad screens and are becoming more familiar with recognising and opening the required programs on the desktop. The students have enjoyed playing the free Internet games – Fungooms and Typetastic (see the links below).
During our sessions we have also begun discussing cyber safety with a focus on seeking parental/adult assistance when something does not feel right.
Level One students have begun to use a variety of creative programs to design their Digital Artwork in readiness for the Art Show later in the year. They have been exploring Paint, Paint 3D and Tux Paint which have some amazing special effects. As part of their learning, they are also beginning to discover how to save their masterpieces using the school network.
In Level 2 the students began with a revisit of Word. From there we have been exploring our country using Google Earth. The students have loved seeing where they live in relation to how big our country, world and universe are. They have enjoyed diving into oceans, zooming into familiar places such as our school and checking out known world landmarks. Our cyber safety messages in Level 2 are around becoming good Digital Citizens and using the internet safely and wisely.
The Level 3 inquiry topic around habitats has been a wonderful focus for exploring the world using Google Earth also. Our discoveries have led us further than within Australia and the students have checked out kid safe search engines as well as learning how to search and manipulate Google Earth. Our cyber safety messages, like Level 2, are dealing with safety online and good Digital Citizenship.
Welcome back to all students, it is fantastic to see how much learning, skills and enthusiasm the students bring to our classes. It’s going to be a great year.
Heather Cook
JPPS Digital Tech Specialist Yr F-3