Curriculum Matters

The Foundation students are settling in well at the start of their big journey into school. They have been learning all about themselves and created a collage of their faces.
They have also been learning the numbers up to 10 and created some colourful jellyfish.
Level 1
We have made a great start to the year in Level 1.
Students are really settled and have been enjoying writing retells of the Little Red Hen story that we have been reading in class.
In Numeracy students have been looking at place value. They especially enjoyed our turkey craft where they ordered numbers.
Level 2
On Wednesday the Level 2s visited the Royal Botanic Gardens in Cranbourne.
We were lucky enough to participate in the ‘Shared Country’ experience where we learnt about the importance of the environment to the Boonwurrung people and their connection to Country. The students loved learning about how plants can be used for fibre, medicine, tools and food. We all had a wonderful day.
Level 3
We have had a very busy start to 2024 and have been enjoying getting to know the students and seeing them settle into their new spaces.
We have been preparing for NAPLAN, learning about place value in Maths along with chance, and some graphing.
In writing we have been exploring narratives and love the stories everyone has created. The students have been working hard to create an engaging build up and exploring new kinds of story endings.
Our favourite part of the year so far was seeing Level 3 work together to create a fun fashion show – and of course seeing all of their baby photos!
We are looking forward to our trip to the Melbourne Zoo next Tuesday 27th.😊
Level 4
What a busy start to 2024!
We have been learning about place value in Maths as well starting to work on our measurement skills to find the area and perimeter of different shapes.
In Writing we have been working on some awesome recounts of the students’ holidays as well as exploring a range of books written by Ahn Do.
In Inquiry the students have started to explore a range of countries in the southern hemisphere and getting ready to start their end of term projects.
In our Social and Emotional Lessons students have been focussing on the Zone of Regulations and working to further understand and control their emotions and feelings. We have also been learning about Growth and Fixed mindsets and exploring ways students can have a positive attitude to new tasks. Students are consistently pushing themselves to try new things and challenge themselves.
Students have shown off their creative skills creating ‘All About Me Lanterns’ and creating some fantastic Multiplication Flowers!
Level 5
This term, Level 5’s Inquiry topic focuses on physical and human geography.
We have eagerly shared our prior knowledge in class and demonstrated curiosity and enthusiasm to build on our understanding of continents and countries.
To further enhance our learning, we have been sharing our cultural backgrounds and created a class flag display to celebrate our cultural diversity.