Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Julie Hall
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
School Council 2024
I invite all parents to consider being part of School Council.
Due to a number of departures from the council, we are likely to have at least 4 positions vacant on School Council, so we are looking for fresh faces and new inputs!!
School Council is an opportunity to be engaged in the broader overview of the running of the school. It makes decisions on policy, oversees developments in the school and is an advisory group to the Principal on school operations. School Council is also an avenue for community members to have a voice to the school.
There is just the 8 meetings per year, usually run on a Wednesday evening. Meetings are usually 1 - 1.5 hrs long and we provide the option for online connection or face-to-face.
If you are interested in discussing being part of school council, please contact me at school or send me an email. I would love to hear from you.
Twilight Market - 22 March
Please see the information included in this newsletter. I would ask that families assist as follows:
- Contact the school if you would like a stall or know someone who does - hand-made, craft, creative, etc.
- Look out for the letter asking for donations to the student stalls
- Book this date in your calendars!!
With music, food trucks and loads of market stalls it looks to be a wonderful evening!!
Working Bee
Next Friday after school - PLEASE find time to give us a hand!!!
We have had lots of garden works done to clean out weeds and trim garden beds, now we have loads of tanbark to get laid down and sand added to the sandpit.
We need you!!!
Please follow these requirements please:
- 2 min zone - these designated zones are for quick drop off and pick up. You CANNOT park in these spaces before and after school. Please be considerate of your fellow families and save yourself the $400 fine.
- safe crossing - please remind you children to follow the instructions of the Crossing Supervisor, Fatma. Everyone must wait until Fatma blows her whistle before crossing the road. Too many children are running across too early and run the risk of an accident if the cars haven't stopped.
- School Uniform - please ensure your child is in correct school uniform, in particular to having the correct type of hat and socks. Hats should be wide brimmed, bucket or legionnaires and should be dark blue. Socks must be red, blue or white, without logos and graphics.
- Cash Limit - The Canteen staff are only authorised to take cash from students that is $10 or less. Please do not send your child to school with more than $10 in cash.
Kevin Oakey
Positive Home-School Connection
A big thank you to parents for making the time on Wednesday to help our teachers get to know their students that little bit better. Fostering close ties between school and home promotes greater student engagement and motivation which in turn leads to improved
social and academic outcomes. I was fortunate enough to meet some dedicated parents last week who are part of the Jells Park Parent's Committee who do an amazing job of raising extra funds for our school. I look forward to seeing what exciting projects they come up with this year.
Lantern Festival
The Lantern Festival on February 24th celebrates the conclusion of Lunar Festival. This special day aims to promote peace and forgiveness. Houses are decorated with colourful lanterns often containing riddles and small rice balls containing fruit and nuts, called yuanxiao or tangyuan, are eaten.
Julie Hall
Assistant Principal