A note from Mr Jackson

FORPS Picnic Celebrates Term 1!

A special thanks to our FORPS team for organising our picnic on Friday. It was another community gathering that valued our connectedness. Thanks to TheirCare for their sponsorship of the evening. Their support ensured an affordable evening for all. Some feasted on the sausages and others demonstrated their creative skills in a giant mural. Covered in chalk, paint and sweat from their sporty experiences, students had a great time while parents relaxed with the simple pleasure of a night out with their local community.


NAPLAN Next Week (Year 3 and Year 5)

NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards. It is just one aspect of our school’s assessment and reporting process. 


A special thanks to teachers and students who have prepared so thoroughly for next week’s NAPLAN assessments. These key assessments are scheduled between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 18 March. A range of supportive strategies have been put in place to ensure students are supported to achieve their best. Please note that every effort will be made to ‘catch students up’ if they are absent on the day of the scheduled assessments.


School Readiness: A Parent Session 

(Wednesday 13 March, 7:00pm)

A reminder for those parents of prep students and parents with children in their final year of kindergarten that they are invited to Wednesday nights’ numeracy and literacy school readiness session. Our prep teachers will present the evening that we hope will build connections with and between parents during this important time of transition. Please RSVP by ringing the office.


Morning Tea with the Principals 

(Thursday 14 March)

All are invited to register their attendance for a consultative gathering of parents on Thursday. The morning seeks to reflect and hear the voice of parents/carers as they reflect on whole school priorities and actions. While it is not a place for discussions concerning individual students it is an opportunity to celebrate what is working well and how we might continue to build upon the strengths within our school community. If you would like to share in this conversation you are encouraged to reserve your place at



Leadership Ceremony Scheduled 

(Badge Presentation)

We were excited to hear this week that Anthony Carbines will be joining us on Friday 22 March at 9:15am to present our student leaders with their badges. This will be an important event for all our Year 6 leaders as well as the sustainability and junior school council teams. The ceremony will be held in the morning and be followed by a morning tea with parents and our student leaders in the hall. Special invites will be sent to the families of students who will be receiving awards but all are invited to share in this significant morning.


Inclusion Day 

(Tuesday 12 March)

Last year we reviewed our  whole school values and were reminded of the centrality of Respect, Inclusion, Collaboration and Kindness in our community. This year we will be providing a focus each term on individual values. On Tuesday 19 March we will be wearing blue to celebrate ‘Inclusion Day’. This day will provide a focus on celebrating the richness that diversity brings to our community. Multiage groups will participate in a range of learning experiences and together affirm the rich diverse world in which we live. We will be exploring gender stereotypes, cultural diversity and disability. Students and teachers are encouraged to wear blue on the day!


2025 Prep Experiences Continue

Tours have booked out and we are adding more tours shortly as parents express their interest in attending. We were thrilled to come together for our first 'Come and Play' session on Wednesday. A wonderful group of families with 2025 Preps visited. Some had siblings at the school already while others are new to the school. If you have yet to catch up with the news … lots are happening to support parents making the decision to send their child to Rosanna Primary. Check out our Facebook site or previous newsletters to find out more!


Curriculum Day Reminder (20 March)

A simple reminder that students should only attend school on Wednesday 20 March if they have registered for the TheirCare program. This curriculum day is an opportunity for staff to focus on the teaching of literacy and sharpen their professional practice.


Newsletter Thanks

It seems a little bit odd, but I wanted to thank you for reading the newsletter. A number of parents have missed the news shared. The newsletter is the primary way to receive the most recent information concerning the school and so I encourage you to read it routinely. While Compass is used occasionally to push posts with a ‘ping’, we are always eager to centralise the distribution of information as much as possible so as not to overwhelm families with information.