Faith & Mission Report

Danny Franc

"Life is not a play: Lent invites us to come down from the stage and return to the heart, to the reality of who we are" Pope Francis


As we begin our Lenten journey, we take a breath to look back at the first three weeks of school for 2024.


Staff Welcoming Mass

The Welcoming Mass for all staff was held on Monday 29th of January with Father Ted McCormack presiding over Mass in the Monivae Chapel. We welcomed our new staff to Monivae in a small welcoming ceremony.


Year 12 Retreat

On Wednesday Jan 31st, a group of Staff and the Year 12 students travelled to Halls Gap for the annual Year 12 Retreat. With fantastic weather for the three days students got to reflect on their views of God, Jesus and love, all part of our MSC ethos. We were lucky enough to have Father Bob join us again, meaning the Thursday night mass was another highlight of the event, giving the students an opportunity to spend valuable time reflecting on those things that may be holding them back from achieving their best this year.

Year 7 Camp

At the same time, the Year 7 Camp saw a group of Year 11 students visit the Year 7 cohort in Port Fairy to participate in activities during the afternoon and then finish with a welcoming Liturgy in the evening. This is the first opportunity the Year 7 students get to celebrate Liturgy as a cohort.

Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday the 13th of February, pancakes were sold to recognise Shrove Tuesday. All funds raised helped us launch our Project Compassion campaign for 2024. Thanks must go to the classes that helped cook the pancakes, and the students who helped sell them.

Year 12 Students Hayley Dodd, Will McAdam, Sara Philip & Dave Perera
Year 12 Students Hayley Dodd, Will McAdam, Sara Philip & Dave Perera

Opening School Mass and Ash Wednesday

The next day, Wednesday the 14th of February, our Opening School Mass and Ash Wednesday took place.

Father Bob and Father Ted were our co-celebrants for the Mass. It was a wonderful celebration of Monivae. Our new staff were officially welcomed to the College, receiving their Welcome Candle. 

The Mass concluded with the entire College recognising Ash Wednesday. Our Year 12 student leaders distributed the Ashes that Father Bob had blessed. 

Staff and students took the following message from Pope Francis with them regarding Lent.

Father Ted McCormack
Erin Hannig Year 12
Father Ted, Father Bob & Year 12 Students Lucille Aarons & Riley Casey
Father Ted McCormack
Erin Hannig Year 12
Father Ted, Father Bob & Year 12 Students Lucille Aarons & Riley Casey


In the words of Pope Francis


Fast from hurting words and say kind words.

Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.

Fast from anger and be filled with patience.

Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.

Fast from worries and have trust in God.

Fast from complaints, contemplate simplicity.

Fast from pressures and be prayerful.

Fast from bitterness, fill your hearts with joy.

Fast from selfishness and be compassionate.

Fast from grudges and be reconciled.

Fast from words, be silent and listen.


Swimming Sports Carnival

Finally, at our annual Swimming Carnival, we once again ran a BBQ where the funds raised will go to Caritas Australia.

Thank you to all who supported this event.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.


Mr Danny Franc 

Director of Faith and Mission