VCE, VM & VET Achievements

Anne Gough

This part of the school curriculum again saw very pleasing results at the end of last year.

In the VET area Josh Ryan received an award at HDSC (Hamilton District Skills Centre) for his first-year studies in Building and Ellie Meade for her work in the second year of Automotive Technology. In Sport and Recreation two students, Mackenzie Annett and Millie Jennings, received study scores in the 40s. In VET Engineering all the students were VCE VM and so elected not to do a scored assessment.


Last year’s VCE VM Year 12 have successfully transitioned into the workforce. Many gained full time apprenticeships mostly in Carpentry, Engineering, Building and Agriculture with others finding employment in retail, stock and station and further vocational study. We wish them all the very best in their endeavours. At the Year 11 level seven students left during the year as their great work as SBAs (school-based Apprenticeships) led to them being offered full-time apprenticeships. At the end of the year a further five from this cohort also gained full time apprenticeships. It’s pleasing also to see that past students continue to contribute to the community with Will Kinghorn (class of 2008), a VCAL student as VCE VM was known then, awarded a Community Recognition Award on Australia Day.


This year we have 18 Year 11 VCE VM students and 21 in Year 12, six of whom joined from VCE.


Ms Anne Gough