What Did You Do At School?


Wow! We have had a wonderful few weeks in Prep. Each week, we participate in a new shared experience to inspire our writing. Last week, we blew bubbles outside! Using our senses, we described what the bubbles looked like and how we felt watching them float into the sky. We are excited to participate in different food experiences over the next few weeks and explore how we can use our words to describe how things taste. In Integrated Studies, we have learned about our identity and how everyone is different. It has been exciting to listen to our peers share their identity boxes and talk about their families. Speaking in front of the class can be scary, but we all tried our best to use a loud, clear voice and strived to make eye contact. We wonder what exciting learning experience we will embark on next.

Year 1

Charlotte and Amber with Zara and Hope
Chase, Jonathan, Dastan, Ryan
Charlotte and Amber with Zara and Hope
Chase, Jonathan, Dastan, Ryan

We have been busy bees! We have been watching beans grow in Science, preparing questions to interview our grandparents for our activity on Grandparent’s Day, and completing our first whole school Big Write, reflecting on a memory from the ocean. We enjoyed the Teddy Bear picnic with our Year 3 Buddies, where we sat and ate lunch together under a beautiful sunny sky.

Year 2

School life is well and truly underway now! Every two weeks, we look forward to visiting the Barn. We look after the veggie garden by churning the soil and planting veggies like chives, chillies, and lettuce. This week, we were given the task of designing a new garden area! We brainstormed our ideas and presented them to each other. We love learning about and looking after God’s creation!

Year 3

We have been working hard in class as we prepare for NAPLAN in Week 7 and 8. We have been learning about different writing genres and how we can use adjectives to describe characters. When we go to The Barn, we have been trying to convince people to eat their fruits and veggies. We can’t wait to participate in our first Years 3-6 Athletics day.

Year 4

This term has been full of new experiences. We have started our Years 3 and 4 Sport sessions and enjoy mixing with different friends to play sports with each other. We excitedly participated in our first Swimming Carnival. Some of us swum individual races, and some in relays. We had fun trying to keep Teddy dry in one relay and dressing up in wet clothes in another! We loved getting to the know the Year 5 and 6 students in our House as we cheered for our team mates so loudly that some of us could hardly talk at the end of the day. We are looking forward to our Athletics Carnival in the future.

Year 5

We have had a jam packed few weeks participating in learning activities inside and outside the classroom. We took part in a digital safety incursion called Inform and Empower. We also enjoyed taking part in the House Swimming Carnival and our first interschool sports game away at a different school! 


In the classroom, we have been just as busy. During Integrated Studies, we have explored different ethical principles including honesty, loyalty and respect and practices applying them to different scenarios. We have also begun preparation for our Identity Expo, which will take place at the end of the term. In Mathematics, we have explored a range of topics including factors and multiples, partitioning and length. We particularly enjoyed the challenge of putting our measurement skills to use when we were challenged to design a farm. In Literacy, we have kicked off our literacy rotations, where we are challenged to develop our literacy skills.

Year 6

Wow! How fast has time flown? We have just made it over the halfway point for Term 1! We have been exploring our Integrated Studies unit on Ethics and Emotions. We have been discussing ethical dilemmas and proposed certain scenarios to practise how we should respond in different circumstances. To apply our understanding of ethical dilemmas, and how doing the right thing can often be difficult, we wrote a narrative about a character who was challenged to uphold the ethical values of respect, honesty, or loyalty. Our end of term Identity Expo will showcase what we have learnt about ourselves and answer your burning questions about our passions, interests, and personal values. See you there!