From the Principal

Dear Friends,
What a magnificent start to the year it has been. I trust families have enjoyed all the activities that have passed, including camps, assemblies, lunches, sporting events, and are excited about the preparations for upcoming excursions. I hope new families are appreciating the strong values and work ethic of the College. It is what we are known for, and it’s great to see all the smiles on students faces as they form new relationships with classmates and teachers.
At Oxley our programs begin with the end in mind. That is, we promote the strong values that contribute to character formation and the academic rigour that prepares students well for tertiary studies. But also, we hold a high priority for the spiritual formation of students. In addition, there are the wonderful areas of the performing arts and technology that provide a well-rounded schooling. It is a privilege to educate students in all these domains.
The components of any organisation like ours are complex. Some of these components are related to the culture and relationships we form, the goals we have as an organisation and the impact we expect the College to have on the future of students. As students look back on their time at Oxley, we hope they will see the benefit of us having stuck to the mission of a Christian framework for education. We also hope they will have fond memories of their experiences here. Sometimes, whilst students are immersed in the day-to-day efforts, it can be difficult to see this big picture. With the benefit of hindsight, we know that students have deeply appreciated their enrolment here.
Currently a team from the College are attending student exhibitions overseas. It is remarkable how families here are looking for the very same qualities of education offered at Oxley. In a different culture, they know full well the benefits of nurture, character formation, pastoral care and rigorous studies that underpin a vocational calling. It is wonderful to be able to present the College as a place that is blessed by a magnificent physical setting, wonderful buildings and staff committed to the overall wellbeing and formation of young people.
Warm regards,
Dr Douglas Peck