Twilight Sports

The Twilight Sports Carnival is always a highlight of the School Calendar and this year was no exception. It was another great community event. Special thanks to Mrs Emma Pattison, our fantastic PE Teacher for coordinating this event. The track and field events were all a great experience for the students and ensured that every student was involved and able to participate.

A huge thank-you to all of the Staff for giving up an evening to support the students and their families.

Congratulations to all of the students for their great sportsmanship and enthusiasm. They all gave their best and supported their teams with great energy.


Special Congratulaions to Evie and Ethan for winning the 400 metre races and especially to Red Team, Durkin for overall in the events.


Twilight Sports BBQ

A huge Thank-you to all of the families who were able to assist with the Twilight Sports BBQ. This certainly added to the fun of the evning and was a great way for families ot connect and spport this wonderful community event. We especially appreciated the efforts of Sarah who organised all of the food and supplies and to Peri and Ange Natoli for sponsoring the BBQ and organising the drinks. A big thank-you to all of the helpers on the night.