Mrs Kate Mowat
Mrs Kate Mowat
Book Club - Issue 1
Our first order for the year has been placed. Your books will be delivered to school and distributed to classrooms next week. Thank you for your support of our LPPS Book Club - collectively we received over $200 in Reward Points which have been redeemed for some of the books students wrote on our Library Wish List earlier this week! (of course I bought a couple of copies of the new Taylor Swift book....!!)
Library Borrowing
It was exciting to introduce weekly library borrowing back into our timetable las week. Here is your child/ren's borrow day so that you might help remind them to pop their library book in their school bag the night before.
Borrowing Days
Monday : Foundation, Year 2 and 1/14
Wednesday: Year 1/12, 1/13, 1/15, 1/16, Year 6 and Year 3
Friday: Year 4 and Year 5
Library Website is our Library search website listing every single book on our shelves along with Clickview videos. Instructions on how to log your child into this page are located on the home page, however families can browse without a login too. In this space you can view your child/ren's current loans, loan history, write book reviews, reserve books, and create a reading list. In the Quicklists tab is a Premiers' Reading Challenge tab which lists all the Challenge books in our library (this begins in Term 2!).
Thrive Family Library
Did you know we have a THRIVE library available to families which is located in our Library. Please contact me to arrange a time to pop by to browse & borrow if you are interested.