Year 7- 30 days celebration

As parents there are time and adventures in our children’s lives, that are marked as milestones and should be remembered and embraced.
This week for our 2024 Year 7’s and their parents, it was one of those moments, the students reached their 30th day of Year 7.
We all remember when our kids started primary school and they reached 100 days, we were so proud of their achievements in a new environment as a little 5 year old. They were so tiny and have their whole schooling journey ahead of them, to think one day that these tiny preps would embark in the blink of an eye their journey at secondary school was unimaginable, but this week they did!!
30 days to some may not be a long time, but to a 12 year old it is!! In the past 30 days our Year 7 students have faced the following:-
- Embraced a new environment
- Met new people
- Come out of their comfort zones
- Made new friends
- Learned about things that are new, hard and confronting.
- Some have walked to school for the first time alone, caught a bus and even picked up younger siblings!
Not only have they done it, they have done it with confidence, intention and mostly smiles on their faces.
Inviting parents to the College to celebrate and show off their child’s achievements is a new thing at EMC and it was a HUGE success, we had full classrooms, engaging conversations and new relationships between parents and teachers forms. Students were happy, confident and excited to show their Parents/carers what they have learned since starting Year 7.
We hope by introducing these opportunities, families can become more involved in their children’s educational journey and celebrate all of their achievements, big or small.
Feedback from a few families;
Thank you Kylie and Team…It was great to meet XXX’s teacher and see some of the work she is discussing at home.
Was great to see what XXX & the Year 7’s have already achieved in attending tonight. Please pass on thanks to the team who organised the event.
We look forward to sharing our students amazing achievements over the year , and well done Year 7’s of 2024 you have started the Year off amazingly and we look forward to watching your Secondary school journey and all of the achievements and success that will come your way.
Kylie Tempest- Transition Leader.