Principal Message

Dear parent/carers and students,
What a term we have had thus far. In the past week alone we have had the whole school swim carnival, Year 8 Man Cave and Big Sister Experience Program, The Aspirant Leaders Grip conference , Project Rockit and Year 7 afternoons celebrating 30 days at Elisabeth Murdoch College. Year level, Subschool, NAPLAN and specialist program assemblies have also been consistent, with a focus on the College’s high expectations around a safe and orderly environment, academic success and career pathways from Year 7 through to Year 12. I do hope you enjoy reading the briefs outlined below.
EMC Swim Carnival:
The 2024 EMC Swim Carnival, a popular event on the school calendar, was held on Tuesday 27th February at Doveton swimming pool. With an amazing turnout of 743 attendees ranging from the spirited Year 7s to the seasoned seniors in Year 12, the atmosphere was electric. Kurunda, displaying the best participation, clinched the prestigious title of 2024 EMC Swim Carnival Champions, earning well-deserved accolades.
The festivities commenced with an explosion of colour and creativity as the Year 12 cohort dazzled onlookers with their imaginative costumes, with the dress-up theme of famous groups. Their spirited costume parade set the stage for a day filled with laughter and friendly competition. The weather was well and truly in our favour, which enhanced student participation in each activity.
The waterslide emerged as a student favourite, drawing eager thrill-seekers throughout the entire day. Meanwhile, the aroma of sizzling sausages from the sausage sizzle wafted through the air, which proved to be an overwhelming success, selling out in record time. The excitement peaked during the splash-and-dash events, with students taking each and every opportunity to escape the summer heat by jumping into the pool.
However, the pinnacle of amusement arrived with the Year 12s vs. Staff novelty relay race, an event filled with laughter and friendly banter. EMC Principal, Mr. King, embraced his role as target as he was on the receiving end of a deluge of water balloons that left both participants and spectators in stitches. As the 2024 EMC Swim Carnival concluded, it left an indelible mark on the school community, setting the stage for future years of spirited competition and amazing memories. Mr. McInnes
EMC’s first High Impact Learning Event (HILE) for 2024.
On Wednesday 28th February, the Year 8 cohort participated in EMC’s first High Impact Learning Event (HILE) for 2024. Students participated in two different workshops facilitated by Man Cave and the Big Sister Experience.
Within Man Cave, students focused on how to build healthy and respectful relationships across all facets of their life through supporting others, building empathy, conflict resolution, expressing needs, power/privilege and integrity. This saw students experiencing moments where they were placed outside their comfort zone and supported to overcome these challenges. For the Big Sister Experience, workshops focused on the use of social media, body image, LGBTQIA+ acceptance and human connection. Here students were provided a space where they could discuss challenges, concerns or questions they have about the struggles and strengths that can go unseen in their demographic. Students were encouraged to explore ways in which we can build self and social positivity into a daily habit. Throughout both workshops, students participated in a range of activities and discussions, and did an excellent job at fostering a safe space to share some experiences and challenges.
The feedback from facilitators from both workshops discussed how impressed they were at the number of students that were open to reflection and showing support to their fellow peers. Ms Densley.
Year 7 Celebration Afternoon
We are thrilled to share the success of our recent Year 7, 30 day celebration with parents and carers. Our students were provided with the opportunity to showcase their achievements and progress so far this year. During the afternoon, parents and carers were invited to explore the school and visit their child’s locker, where they could see firsthand how our students organise their belongings. It was a great opportunity for parents and carers to witness the independence and responsibility our Year 7 students have developed.
In addition to the lockers, parents and carers were welcomed into classrooms to chat with their child’s homegroup teacher and were provided with the chance to observe the engaging learning environment created by their teachers. They were able to see the quality work their children have completed so far and gain an insight into how quickly their child is developing academically.
The event highlights the importance of the partnership between home and school, as parents and carers had the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with teachers, gaining insight into their child’s progress and areas of focus. We look forward to more opportunities to showcase the achievements of our students and strengthen the partnership between home and school. Mr.Lewis.
Please see the full article on the 'Year 7- 30 days celebration' page written by our Transition Leader.
Middle School Academics
Throughout the journey of Middle School students, we are wanting to encourage our community to stop and recognise the huge effort that students are putting into their education and the number of achievements and personal goals that they are reaching.
Each year students will be undertaking a formative assessment that assists the college in assessing more accurately their academic strengths through a holistic approach in literacy and numeracy. When reflecting on this data as a college we have been able to see phenomenal growth of individual students as well as students that have achieved an extremely high score in their academic performance. Middle school assemblies have already seen several students receive awards that could be acknowledged in front of their peers.
To continue to support this academic celebration students will be engaged on a self-review process using their available data in their semester and progress reports. This will assist students in recognising if they are meeting the college expectations of a subject score of 3. For students that recognise an area for improvement they are encouraged to engage in a positive conversation with their subject teacher and set a goal to work towards. This process has already seen many students take ownership of their learning and reach their personal goals.
Aspirant Leaders Program Experience – Student Voice
On Thursday the 29th of February Year 8 and 9 TAL students experienced Project ROCKIT. The workshop had us exploring the concepts of social change and understanding ourselves as leaders. We started the day with various warm up games to get us talking so we could confidently say our ideas. Then we completed an activity that involved choosing someone in our life who was a role model or leader to us and were able to identify the qualities we value in others. Throughout the workshops, we got to do a lot of activities where we were getting involved with one another and working collaboratively. By the end of the day we were able to see that all the leadership skills we used will be able to be used in our future careers in life. Issy Eames A93
GRIP Leadership Conference (GRIP):
Good afternoon, I'm Lillie and this is Scarlett and Reid. Earleir this term we went with the year 7, and 8 TAL classes as well as some other various leaders around the school and attended the GRIP leadership conference in the city and got to learn about different challenges a leader has to overcome. Tea from Deakin University discussed about how she used Deakin accelerate to get a Head Start on her Uni classes which she studied film and she has helped out with an upcoming movie. at the end of the day we had 2 breaks and could fill out a form for Deakin University to win a $50 teens voucher and a gift bag (which Harry from A73 won).
The GRIP Leadership team is composed of young men and women who know what it's like to be in the shoes of a student leader. Some team members are recent school graduates with the ability to share from their own recent experience.
We learnt about all types of leadership techniques such as the sacrifices of a student leader, how to make events really matter and how to lead when it feels like nobody wants to follow extra.
All day we were learning leadership strategies through games like UNO, 'Is it cake' and 'guess the celebrity'. Food fight is one of the many games that we played on that day. There were two teams of three from mixed year levels that had to guess the food from their team's actions but were not allowed to talk. The team with the most points in the end will won a prize.
- Scarlett Frazer and Lillie Hughes A83
The EMC Careers Team are committed to ensuring every student's journey towards success is informed, strategic, and fulfilling. We recognise that each student is unique and as such, the team encourages them to perform at their best and to be curious about the evolving work horizon and the vast variety of career opportunities that exist.
To assist students with their exploration and pathway planning in 2024, the Careers Team will offer a selection of immersive opportunities that support the careers curriculum (delivered throughout Year 7-12) and enhance the students’ academic and career journey. Below is a summary of some key events to look out for in 2024:
Year 8 – Pathway Exploration 2 Day Program (June & July)
This program is designed to assist students make informed subject choices that reflect their interest, abilities, and career aspirations.
Day 1 Program: During this time, students will receive information regarding each subject EMC will offer in 2025. During this time, students will explore subject and pathway links, including pathway links through Secondary School and beyond, and identify opportunities where they can develop their technical knowledge and transferable skills (soft skills). This program is designed to assist students make informed subject choices that reflect their interest, abilities, and career aspirations.
Day 2 Program: Students will participate in a one day (five session) Year 9 program that reflects their individual subject preferences. This will provide students an opportunity to gain greater insight into the academic demands of a subject and the key concepts explored. This will allow students to consider subject suitability prior to completing the Year 9 Subject Selection Process (19th August).
Year 9-12 Women in Trade Expo (Opt-in event) – Thursday 9th of May
This interactive expo demonstrates the exciting world of trade and tech industries and the rewarding and highly paid career opportunities they can provide. The event is for young women in years 9 to 12 in Victorian secondary schools. It provides a comfortable space where students are given hands-on experiences across several industries.
Year 9 & 10 Subject Supermarket – Friday 10th of May
During this time EMC staff will present information related to the senior subjects offered in 2024, including VET. Students can explore this information in more detail and engage will subject leaders.
Year 9 – 10 Try a Trade Careers Expo (Opt-in even) - Tuesday 14th of May
This event is targeted to Years 9-10 coming through in school groups throughout the day. This event will provide interactive activities and information about further education, training, and employment opportunities. Exhibitors including Universities, TAFEs, Registered Training Organisations, Government Agencies, Community Providers and much more. Students can provide own lunch or bring money to purchase from food trucks. - Careers Website -Pathway advice: Contact the EMC Career Team for general advice – 97882745.
If you require any further information please contact your child’s home group teacher as your first point of call.
Jo Lackman
Middle School Assistant Principal