Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
These past two weeks Grade 3 students have begun learning about new topics in reading, writing and maths. They have settled in very well to the senior school and are enjoying their new role within the school.
In Reading, we have nearly finished our first Read2Learn unit of the year on the classic story, “The Wind in the Willows.” The students are gaining confidence in taking stop and jots, which are pauses in the read aloud to take notes which will help them answer the final Big Question. It has been wonderful to see how engaged the students are in learning about the adventures of Mole, Rat, Mr Badger and the infamous Mr Toad. The students are quickly becoming very skilled at picking up the different themes that are shown through the actions of these characters.
In writing, the students have finished our Narrative unit where students will use the familiar Story Champs icons to help plan their writing pieces. This process has been helping them prepare for the NAPLAN writing test. This week we have been looking at the features of Persuasive texts and are learning to write our own persuasive pieces that will also prepare us for NAPLAN. The students are learning to agree or disagree with statements and then convince the reader of their beliefs.
In maths, we have finished on our data unit. We have been focussing this week on exploring the properties of odd and even numbers in which the students have thoroughly enjoyed. Next week we will be looking at using analogue clocks to tell them time.
In Vocab, we have been working on words from our Serial Text “The One and Only Ivan.” The words we have been learning the meaning of are Dwell, Gesture, Pound, Elegant, Vanish, Emphasis, Wince, Mesmerise and Squabble. You can have a discussion with your child at home about these words and what they mean.