Grade 2 Community News

Hello to all our Grade 2 families,


We can’t believe that we are already more than halfway through Term 1. Our students have been coming to school every day ready to learn and showing amazing growth in their learning. We have some exciting events coming up including Harmony Day which is coming up on Thursday the 21st of March! We can’t wait to see all of our students dressed up in their cultural dress to celebrate our wonderful cultural diversity at TRPS!


What we are learning: 


This fortnight in Maths our students have been working hard with identifying skip counting patterns and rules. Our students skip counting is becoming stronger every week and we look forward to seeing their growth in Maths this year.


Our Grade 2 students have just finished our first read to learn unit of the year which was Ancient India. It was great to see so many of our students engaged in this unit and showing their teachers and peers what they already knew about this topic. In their final lesson on Ancient India students had a lot of fun bringing in sarees! Our next read to learn topic is Fairy Tales and Tell Tales which will be a continuation of last year.


In Writing students have been learning about how to write historical descriptions with a big focus on the Taj Mahal. Our teachers have enjoyed learning more about this wonderful landmark along with our students. 


Our students have also just begun History for the term where the focus is on past, present and future. It has been engaging for our students to learn how things were done in the past including how schools were compared to today.



  • It is important that students are at school and on time every day, so they are not missing out on valuable learning time. When all students in a class are present their class will receive a point and a bonus point for all students present on time. Students are working towards every 10 points to receive a prize!
  • Please ensure your child is coming to school in the correct uniform and not a combination of different uniform


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