French News

Salut Parents and Students,
Comment ca va? (How are you)
Our littlest kiddies (Prep and Grade 1) have both been learning the days of the week in French. Preps have just begun to learn their numbers in French from 0-10. At Tarneit Rise our students begin learning simple French vocabulary by singing along and copying the actions of engaging children’s learning songs. To consolidate their learning at school, we encourage the children to practice these songs on You tube at home if they have the opportunity.
Grade 2 students have also been learning their numbers in French; however, they are further along the learning path and can now recognize and say their numbers up to 30. Our Grade 3’s, have been focusing on French grammar and learnt when to use the correct possessive adjectives. Both Grades completed a written assessment during week 6 that covers their French learning so far this year.
Grade 4 students have been learning how about school subjects and writing simple sentences in French about their school timetable. Both Grade 5 and 6 have added to their word bank of French adjectives and used them to write sentences describing their family members. Our senior school students also completed written assessments during week 6 that encompassed their French learning during the first term
Please note : If your child is new to learning French or would like to practice their French vocabulary, follow the links below so that they can practice at home.
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci beaucoup (thanks a lot) for reading! We enjoy watching our students at Tarneit Rise Primary School continue to flourish in their French language abilities.
À bientôt!
The French Specialist Team
Grade 4, subjects, French timetable:
Grade 5 and 6, adjectives describing family members: