Grade 6 Community News

What a fabulous term so far, we are well and truly in the swing of things now! 


Thank you for those who attended our information night regarding the process for enrolment to high school. We know this can be a daunting and busy time so please reach out if you need any help completing the forms.


It has been great to see students continuously coming to school prepared with their reading journals filled out, with their Nights of Reading being recorded, let’s keep it up J 


In Reading, have finished our Reading Reconsidered unit based around the book “Freak the Mighty” by Rodman Philbrick. The students have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the complex relationships between characters. We will now commence our first Reading to Learn unit. This unit will be around the Historical movement known as “The Enlightenment”, students will be exposed to various philosophers and historical events. 


In Writing, we have been revising useful skills that improve our writing. Students have been learning how to use direct and indirect speech, adverbs and conventions of grammer. 

In Maths, we are finishing our Place Value unit. Students have explored Prime and Composite numbers, Triangular numbers and worded problems. Students have used multiple strategies to solve various questions. 

Below is one problem we tackled in class- see if you can work through it as a family! 

We will now be commencing our first measurement unit; Mass and Capacity, one focus will be converting units of measurement. 


Our Vocabulary words have been selected from our class text, “Freak the Mighty”. Please test your child on what they mean, and how they can use them in a sentence.


Week 5

Week 6












Week 7 Monday 11th March: Labour Day Public Holiday

Week 8 Thursday 21st March: Harmony Day

 Week 9 Wednesday 27th March: Gala Day

Week 9 Wednesday 27th March: Last Day of Term 1 



If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


The Year 6 Team.

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