
Lana Hardman

Dear Year 10 Students, Parents and Guardians,

The University of Newcastle is hosting a Y10 Subject Selection Webinar tailored specifically for parents, guardians and students.

This webinar will be an invaluable opportunity to gain key insights into subject selection and hear first-hand experiences from UON student ambassadors who have successfully navigated this process and transitioned into university life.

Webinar Details:

Date: 29th May 2024

Time: 6:00 PM

During the webinar, UON student ambassadors will share essential information on subject selection, providing guidance and tips to help you make informed decisions about your academic journey.

Additionally, they will share personal stories and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on transitioning to university studies.

To register please click on the link below:

We highly encourage parents, guardians and students to attend this webinar, as it promises to be a rewarding and informative session that will help you navigate the exciting journey ahead.

Your Path to Sydney - Year 10 Subject Selection Evening 

Online Thursday 11 April | 6-7:30pm

Year 10 students can learn everything they need to know about HSC subject selection, university applications and admissions with USYD’s information evening, designed to help Year 10 students and their caregivers navigate the journey to university with confidence.

You will also have the opportunity to have your questions answered by expert staff, current University of Sydney students and a UAC representative, and participate in a Q&A.

Please click on the link below and register to the online webinar.

2025 UNE/UON Joint Medical Program Info Session Webinar

Date: 8 May 2024

Time: 6:30pm

The Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (The JMP) is an innovative five-year degree delivered jointly with the University of New England and supported by Hunter New England Local Health District and Central Coast Local Health District.

Join UON for an info session to hear from Joint Medical Program academics and current students about the program, admission requirements and much more.

Please click on the link to register.

2025-2026 NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC)

Recruitment for the 2025-2026 NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is now open and will close on Sunday 21 April, 2024, at 11.59PM.

Membership of the YAC is open to all young people aged between 12-24 years living in NSW.

About the Youth Advisory Council

The NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC) plays an important role in advising the NSW Government on issues that are relevant to young people across the state.

Membership of the YAC is open to all children and young people between 12 and 24 years of age residing in NSW. Applications are sought from young people with diverse backgrounds and life experiences, from across NSW.

The 12 member YAC provides a direct avenue of communication between young people and the NSW Government.

The YAC meets regularly over their term throughout the year to provide advice to the Minister responsible for Youth and the

Advocate for Children and Young People on issues, policies and laws that affect children and young people in NSW.

Membership of the YAC provides an opportunity for children and young people to contribute to the work of the NSW Government.

Please click on the link to apply!

UNSW Year 10 & 11 Experience Days

22 - 24 April | On Campus

Students from Year 10 and 11 are invited to attend the UNSW campus for a day to experience life as a UNSW student. Students will get the chance to choose two workshops based on the study areas they're interested in, hear from academics and current students and explore the UNSW campus.

Places are limited, so please register soon. Please note that students can only register for ONE of the three days.

Charles Sturt University - Online Parent Information Session

CSU is excited to let you know about their upcoming free Online Parent Information Session on 17 April (6:30pm– 8:00pm).

The information session is designed to give parents and carers the knowledge they need to support their student as they navigate the transition from high school to university. During the session they will cover all things university – including:

• the application process

• how to apply for our early offer program, Charles Sturt Advantage

• scholarships

• on-campus accommodation

• student life (hearing from our Student Ambassadors)

• plus, much more!

Please click on the link to register 

Thanks Maddie & Catherine from Armidale Regional Council for sharing volunteering opportunities for the Big Chill. ASC students are looking forward to volunteering at this event. If you would like to volunteer register at

ABC Heywire wants you to tell your story, your way

Aged between 16 – 22? Got a story to share? The ABC Heywire competition wants to hear from you. Heywire is a lived experience storytelling competition for young people living in regional, rural and remote Australia. For more than 20 years, we’ve been championing the bravery and vulnerability it takes to tell your story, your way.

The things that might seem every day to you are epic to us. We’ve seen the impact sharing stories has on communities and the country; that’s why we want to hear yours.

So tell us what life’s like living in your part of the world; or tell us what you care about; or what you’re frustrated by. You can share your story in writing, by recording some audio, shooting video or taking some photos; as long as it’s a true story about some aspect of your life living regionally.

Our competition closes on September 1 this year and until then, we’re on the hunt for stories about your epic, everyday lives. You could win a once in a lifetime chance to be heard on the issues that matter to you, a chance to work with ABC Producers and an all-expenses paid trip to the ABC Heywire Regional Youth Innovation Summit next year.

For more information and to enter now, here’s the link:


Friday 3rd May!

Year 12 is spending the day at UNE to get a glimpse of university life!

75 students have returned their notes to date. It's going to be a GREAT day!

If you are interested in attending and haven't returned your permission note, please see me ASAP

Please click on the link below for more information