Leadership Report

Last week's newsletter was an amazing jam-packed full of information and observations by Luke. He certainly provided a great reflection on the start of our new year and how smoothly all the students and teachers have started in all the new and old spaces.


Classroom equipment

We are currently still ‘moving in’ to the new spaces and setting up. New classrooms are still waiting to have the interactive television installed. This has taken longer than expected due to hold-ups in the supply chain. We expect they will be all installed next week. I would also like to acknowledge all the teachers in the new and old learning spaces for being as patient and teaching without access to devices. 


Bag hooks

We will as Luke informed our community that as per the architect's design student bags will be stored on hooks outside the classrooms. Currently, certain design features of these buildings need to be fitted outside the builder's scope of work by the school. These additional shaded areas will be constructed in readiness for term two. The areas include the concrete spaces outside Clara and Kylee's rooms.  


Floor mats

This week we also introduced ‘yarning mats’ to all the classrooms. These are large mats decorated in aboriginal symbols on recycled plastics. They are an anchor point for teachers when working on the floor or outside. I have observed Katherine using the mat with the Foundation students for outside activities – learning or eating lunch, great stuff Katherine.


School Council

Today marks the midway point for accepting school council nominations. We currently have received three nominations. If we receive anymore nominations, we will then need to hold an election. Nominations close Friday 23rd February 2024.


Garden beds & Trees

The garden beds and trees are struggling to survive at present. We are in constant communication with the building company, and they are well of the situation and will rectify and replace trees and plants that have died.


Surplus Furniture

As mentioned previously if any parent wishes to take any of the old furniture outside the white shed or knows of any organisation which might want any of the furniture please contact the office. We intend to remove all surplus furniture by the end of term one.



No sooner have we started back at school and it’s NAPLAN time. Student assessment for years 3 & 5 is 13th – 25th March. It is an expectation that all students in these cohorts will sit each of the assessments. However, if parents do not want their child to sit NAPLAN then parents must complete an exemption form, which must be lodged at the office before NAPLAN commences.


OSHC Waiting List

The school appreciates that any type of waiting list can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience as we endeavor to resolve the issue. Jill along with myself are working hard to have extra places made available as quickly as possible. Once we are approved to increase the number of places those on the waiting list will be informed immediately.


School Student Leaders

Today’s assembly saw all of the elected leaders receive their official badges. This is a very important occasion for these students. Their leadership roles provide an opportunity for them to lead and participate as valued participants to improve the school and inform leadership and school council with opportunities to improve Newlands. We congratulate them and wish them well the best for 2024. 


Weather reminder

As we continue to experience extreme weather this term students will be kept inside just as we do for wet days. We use BoM to guide our decisions to keep students inside at lunch and or recess times.


Building Update

As can be seen, the builders are making rapid progress in constructing the new gym. We expect construction to be completed in early June with availability to the school at the commencement of term three. 


Local Excursion Permission Slip - Reminder

Newlands Primary School seeks consent for local excursions on an annual basis.

Excursions may be considered 'local excursions' if the location is within walking distance of the school and does not involve adventure activities.

A permission slip is available on Sentral to provide consent for your child to attend all relevant local excursions for 2024. If you do not want to give consent for local excursions, please indicate this on the Sentral Permission Slip. 

Parents and Caregivers will be notified of all upcoming local excursions in advance. 

You may withdraw consent for local excursions at any point in the year by calling the school at (03) 9354 2928 or emailing the school at newlands.ps@education.vic.gov.au.


Working Bee - Cancelled

Please note that the working bee planned for Sunday 25th February has been cancelled. The Buildings and Grounds have requested that they have an opportunity to plan with our new groundsperson Sab how best to maximise these valuable parent input days.