Newlands in a Nutshell

Here is a snapshot of the important bits in this newsletter that you don't want to miss! be sure to read on for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening at Newlands.

  • Year 5/6 Interschool Sport Begins - Friday 16th February - Friday 15th March
  • Talk the Talk, Sexuality Education Session for Parents - Thursday 22nd February, 8pm
  • Working Bee 25th February - This has been cancelled
  • Sub-committee groups - refer to the relevant page for a run down of the groups and how to join
  • Year 3/4 Incursion, The Super Hero in You - Wednesday 28th February
  • Year 1/2 Incursion, Bounce Back - Thursday 29th February
  • Parent Class Information / Meet and Greet Session - Friday 1st March
  • Welcome Picnic - Friday 1st March
  • NAPLAN Begins for Years 3 and 5 - Wednesday 13th March
  • Ride to School Day - Friday 22nd March
  • NAPLAN concludes Monday 25th March
  • Last Day of Term - Thursday 28th March - 2.30 Finish
  • A Local Excursions permission slip is available on Sentral to provide consent for your child to attend all relevant local excursions for 2024. If you do not want to give consent for local excursions, please indicate this on the Sentral Permission Slip. 
  • Bookclub orders to be placed through LOOP by Wednesday 21st February. Foundation students will receive a copy of the next issue.