Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education 

Our Inclusive Education Team supports all students to access the curriculum at their current learning level. Sometimes this involves providing extension and enrichment activities, other times supporting students with specific learning needs.


Some children experience difficulties with reading, writing or maths. These difficulties may not become obvious until after the commencement of formal education at Kindy or school. Children with learning difficulties may require additional exposure and practice of new information, or changes to the way information is presented. Often these difficulties will resolve over time, through support by class teachers and at home.  

When learning difficulties continue despite additional support or targeted interventions, there may be an underlying specific learning disorder. Specific learning disorders are usually diagnosed by a psychologist through a series of standardised tests. Specific learning disorders can involve reading (dyslexia), written expression (dysgraphia) or maths (dyscalculia).  


Children with a diagnosed specific learning disorder benefit from early intervention. This may include access to external providers or allied health therapy at home, as well as adjustments and modifications to curriculum delivery or class work at school.  


Our Inclusive Education Team work alongside students and class teachers to reinforce new learning and provide additional opportunities to consolidate knowledge through practical, multisensory and alternative formats.  


When working with students we are purposeful in using language to describe the skills to be targeted rather than deficit or fixed thinking. For example ‘We are going to practice some blending of sounds to make words’ or ‘Let’s work on some strategies to help make maths tasks more manageable’. 


Learning can and should be fun, even when there are difficulties. When learning new things or mastering previously learned skills takes time and can be frustrating. Remembering to say ‘I can’t do it- YET’ reinforces a growth mindset and can help diffuse feelings of frustration or negativity. To quote Thomas Fuller: 

“All things are difficult before they are easy.”  

Yiota Chesterfield

Inclusive Education Coordinator