Student Learning

Class News from Foundation L 

It has been a busy yet exciting term for our new students in Foundation L. We spent the first few weeks settling into our space, getting to know our classmates and feeling a sense of belonging.

We have started our new literacy program and are busy every day learning to recognise our sounds, beginning to form our letters and blending words together.

In our iUnit we have been inquiring about our families. We have shared who is in our family including our grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc. We have made a Foundation family tree that includes branches from all the students. We look forward to finding out where each of our families are from and the special events they celebrate.


There was a lot of excitement in Technologies this week with Mrs Newbury as we were introduced to the Beebots. We are learning to program these robots to follow directions in a sequence.

We enjoyed our first Kimochis lesson with Mrs Harry as she introduced us to Cloud and we learnt that 'it is okay to be mad, but it is not okay to be mean'.

Megan Loffler & Lisa Newbury

Foundation L Classroom Teachers 


Last week the Year 5 and 6 classes participated in Aquatics. We had beautiful weather and the students were excited to give new activities a go! The Year 5s had sessions on water safety as well as having fun in the water on body boards. The Year 6s had rotations of four activities over 2 days. These were surfing, snorkelling, stand up paddleboarding and kayaking. There were beautiful fish to see while snorkelling, and the students did really well giving all the activities a go. Here are some student reflections:

Tobias – When we went snorkelling we saw tons of different fish.

Acacia – During surfing, lots of us were able to stand up on the boards. This was my first time having a go at surfing. 

Isabel – I did a duck dive while snorkelling and it was fun. I had to blow the water out of my snorkel afterwards.

Kayla – Stand up paddle boarding was really fun because I had never done it before. 

Ella – During stand up paddle boarding and kayaking we wore ‘chicken feet’ shoes. The looked funny, but they protected us from the rocks.

Mel Carpenter

Year 6 Class Teacher

Literacy Pro Words Read Challenge:                       Term 1 for Years 2 to Year 6

Pilgrim School is participating in a Scholastic Literacy Pro Reading Words Challenge in Term 1. Prizes are allocated to schools with the most collective words read. When a student passes a Literacy Pro Quiz after reading a book, the number of words in the book is added to their total. There are over 4000 books in the Campus library that have been lexiled so there are plenty of books to choose from! The competition began on 27th February and closes on 25th March. 

Premier's Reading Challenge 

Mrs Spencer is super excited to share with you, the Premier's Reading Challenge has commenced for 2024.


You will see some posters promoting the Premier's Reading Challenge around the school and teachers will provide students with a recording sheet. Some teachers may prefer to have the students leave the recording sheets at school, so the books read during school time can be recorded. If you wish to also have a recording sheet at home, please ask, or just make a note of the books read and your child can record them when they get to school.


It’s another fabulous year to read, so check out our Campus Library, your local Council Library, your own bookshelves, or even a Street Library for something that captures your imagination.


You have plenty of time to record your reading, from now until the middle of Term 3.


Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or myself if you have any queries.


Libby Spencer

Premier's Reading Challenge Coordinator








Oliphant Science Awards 2024 

Over the last two weeks in our Science lessons, students have been collecting Oliphant Science Awards Registration and Risk Assessment Forms to complete. It is so encouraging to see how many students have a keen interest in Science. The closing date for Registration Forms is Friday 10th May and payment can be made via the Qkr! app before your child returns their form.


The entry fees are:

Individual entries $16

Group entries: $24 (split the cost between families and one family pays).


A letter to families has gone home this week containing more information about the Awards. Please ask your child to collect their forms from me in their Science lesson if they are still keen to participate.


If you have any queries about the Awards, please email me at:

Thank you for supporting your child in their love of the world and their curiosity.


Kind regards,


Mr Harris

Pilgrim Science Teacher 

Pilgrim Choir Years 3 - 6  

After a very successful year in 2023, Kate Tretheway will again be training a Pilgrim School choir with accompaniment from Bess Sarre this year. Students in Years 3 - 6 have the opportunity to join the choir with rehearsals being held on Thursdays during the final lesson of the day. The choir will again be performing a special item in the Musical as well as various performance opportunities throughout the year. We are currently exploring some new performance options for the choir and further information about these will be available in the coming weeks.


We look forward to seeing our students continue to develop in confidence and musical ability through this activity.


Kate Tretheway

Indonesian Teacher