P & F Happenings

P&F Term 1 General Meeting & Parent Forum 

Wednesday 6th March @ 7.00pm in the  School Library and Online


Join us for the first P&F Forum for 2024.  Our P&F Executive Team will be joined by school leaders and Mrs Dinale to update our community on key activities and events for Term 1 and the year ahead. 


We welcome any questions or discussion points from our community in advance – holyfamilylindfieldpf@gmail.com or please send these via your class parents. 


This year we are trialling the new Live Captioning and translation function in Teams. For those of you joining online who may want to listen and follow the discussion in a language other than English instructions will be provided at the start of the meeting. 


Light supper will be provided in the library for those attending in person. 


The link to the meeting is here – please save this to your diary.  It will be sent again by class parents on the day of the Forum 


Looking forward to seeing many of you next week! 



Save the Date - Friday 5th April 2024

Our annual parent social is on!!  A great opportunity to meet up with your fellow class parents, say hi to new parents, and get together in a social setting, away from the school and clingy kids! 


More details will be made available next week.  For now, mark your diaries

With thanks to our Year 2 parents for organising the event for us!



Uniform Swap & Shop

In 2024 we are looking to reinvigorate our second-hand uniform store located beside the playground and will be introducing our new Swap & Shop day to coincide with our quarterly family picnics. For Swap & Shop families will be encouraged to send old, wearable uniforms to school, in clean condition, for them to be sorted and prepared for our Swap & Shop event on Friday in week 7 of each term. This will be a great way to pick up that spare shirt or hat, get ready for the seasonal change, and clear out the uniforms they all grow out of too quickly. 


Thank you to the parents who have offered to get this initiative off the ground in 2024. We are still needing another few parent volunteers to help with sorting uniforms received (2-3 hours) and selling the uniforms on our sale day (2 hours) – once a term. We plan to call for donations of old uniform in weeks 5 & 6, sort & sell in week 7 or 8. 


This will be a great way to get to know many parents across the school as well as contribute to a great initiative to reduce our waste (GREEN TEAM!) and support our fundraising efforts (all funds raised will support our programs in 2024). If you are interested, please get in touch with Olwyn: olwynodowd@gmail.com 



See you around the playground


Olwyn  - P&F President, 2024, and mum to Eabha (Year 3)