Engaging in our Faith 


This weekend, many Australians will dive into the Clean Up Australia campaign. 


Next Monday, 4th March, our school community will be involved in our very own Clean Up here at Holy Family as we strive to care for our Earth, which is a gift from God.


If you have any paper shopping bags at home, please send them to school with your child so that we can use them to collect all the rubbish we find.



You see all that you have created and see that it is good. 

Help us always to remember to respect the goodness of your creation.



Thank you for your continued support in building the kingdom of God at Holy Family.


Kind regards


Liana Stella



And please don't forget...


Our Lenten Labyrinth - a silent walk with your child to pause and pray one step at a time... 

Year 1 - Year 6 parents!! Walk the labyrinth with your child's class on Thursday 7th March. It will be set up at the back of our hall. Specific times see below OR walk it on Sunday 10th March after 10.15 am weekend Mass. All faiths invited to be part of this initiative. Don't know what a labyrinth is all about? Why not come and experience this ancient prayer walk with your child? Lent is a time to practice the pause. Let's do it together!

Many thanks,

Anne Gray

Parent Engagement Coordinator



This week, Kindergarten visited the Holy Family Church. 

We discovered that the Church is a place for prayer.

We thanked God for our blessings and asked him to help us show love to others just like Jesus did.


Liana Stella - REC