Principal's Message

It's been a whirlwind start to the year, but we're loving being back in the swing of things. There has been a range of happenings since the last newsletter so be sure to keep yourself up-to-date with what is going on.
Student Wellbeing Officer
We are thrilled to announce that we have been successfully accepted into the National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP). This is a Commonwealth-funded initiative aimed at supporting the wellbeing of students and the broader school community. This program provides wellbeing support services through a student wellbeing officer.
It's important to note that participation in activities or receiving services from the Student Wellbeing Officer is not compulsory. All services delivered by the Student Wellbeing Officer will be approved by the school principal and require appropriate prior parental/guardian consent.
The NSWP aims to assist our school community in supporting the wellbeing of students. In line with the needs of our community, the Student Wellbeing Officer's key tasks will include:
- Providing support and appropriate referrals to specialist services for students, families, and school staff.
- Offering wellbeing care and support to students through targeted social and emotional learning groups.
- Contributing to enhancing student engagement and connectedness.
- Be part of the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) framework at Bolinda Primary School.
We're excited about the positive impact the NSWP and our dedicated Student Wellbeing Officer will have on our school community's wellbeing and look forward to the opportunities ahead. Our next step will be finding someone suitable for the role and we hope to have an announcement in the coming months.
School Council 2024
At the beginning of each year, we send out information and requests for nominations for School Council membership. Being a member of School Council is a fantastic way to get an insight into the inner workings of the school, and gives us valuable insight and thoughts from our school community. Meetings are held twice a term in the evenings. This year we have 4 family member positions available. Nominations can be made for other people or yourself. Forms for both can be found below or collected from the office, and are due back by Friday 1st March. If you would like a hard copy nomination form sent home with your child, please call or email and we can arrange this for you.
If there are more nominations than positions, a ballot will be held before our AGM.
Compass Information
As mentioned in the last newsletter, please sign your child in on the Compass Kiosk in the office if they arrive after the bell. The Kiosk is also what you use to sign out your child early.
I thought I would provide a few helpful things we're doing in Compass to make things easier for you at home.
We are adding important dates and events to our school calendar. Click on the 'Calendar' icon to access this in Compass. We hope that this will provide families with a better understanding of upcoming events.
Semester Reports
We have transferred all the Semester Reports from uEducateUs to Compass. You can find them in View Academic Reports in the list under your child's profile photo.
Send Email to Teachers
In the list of options, you will also find the option to send an email to your child's teacher.
New OSHC Service
At the end of 2023, we were informed that Schools Out! was no longer going to be able to provide Out of School Hours Care for our school community. The relationship between Schools Out! and Bolinda Primary School is a long one and we have enjoyed our connection. They have shown their generosity many, many times whether donating Zooper Doopers to the school to help fundraise or allowing us to lend their bus to transport children to events. We thank Schools Out! for providing the support to our students over the year. While we would love to operate our own OHSC, there are plenty of factors limiting this and it is certainly something we will explore in the future.
Moving forward, we have enlisted the services of Kidzone which runs from Romsey. The service provides OHSC to several schools in the area. They will provide transport to and from Bolinda each day. If you are interested, please visit:
for further information.
Home Chats
We've had a wonderful turnout of parents attending home chats with teachers. If you haven't had the opportunity to schedule a home chat yet, we want to remind you that there's still time! We have available slots for home chats on both Tuesday and Wednesday of this coming week. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with your child's teacher, discuss any goals, and address any questions or concerns you may have.
To book your home chat appointment, simply head to your Compass portal via a browser or app, and select 'Book Parent Student Teacher Conference'. We look forward to continuing these important conversations and working together to support your child's academic and personal development.
Family BBQ
As mentioned in our last newsletter, we have a Family BBQ coming up on Wednesday 28th of February. We'll supply the sausages, you bring the family. See you there.
Thank you,
Jordan Chamerski