Inclusive Education

SM News

It has been a busy few weeks in SM since the start of the academic year. The students have put in a great shift since they started back and have settled into routine. 

During week 1 and 2 the students worked on the mechanics of writing and how to write a complete sentence before moving onto writing paragraphs. We are now working on procedural writing which focuses on how to write instructions. 

In Maths, the kids have put a great effort into making their paper clocks which will be used for the year to reinforce how the analogue clock works. The class are eager to start the novel ‘Holes’ written by Louis Sacher as many of them are familiar with the Disney feature length film.                                        

It wouldn’t be right to talk about the year so far without mentioning the swimming carnival which took place last Thursday, 15th February. The participation rates across inclusive education were sky high as the students were eager to compete against each other. Their efforts were admirable, and all kids engaged very well with the various races. There are some serious swimmers in inclusive education. Mason, Jaxon, Iesha and Lucinda Scott all from Purple room competed in the District Championships yesterday, while Harry, Jessie, Cassie, Luca and Logan are all competing in the Southern Region Swimming Sports in Benalla on 5th March. Excitement is palpable as they are all looking forward to being ambassadors for the school.                                                           

The students have also been really productive with their specialist teacher Lisa on Mondays and Tuesdays. On Mondays the students have worked on maintaining and developing healthy relationships with their peers. While on Tuesdays they have been busy preparing various different dishes such as hedgehog cake, fried rice, hamburgers, a stir-fry and Chinese lemon chicken. The students love preparing the dishes before they get to sample what they have made.                                                                           

Overall, it has been a hugely positive start to the year and we are looking