Student of the Week

Week 6 

ClassChild (First/ Last name)Reason 
Prep A 

For showing the school value of


Prep B 

For showing the school value of


Prep C 

For showing the school value of



For showing all the school values of CARE.

You consistently try your best with all learning tasks. You always demonstrate 5 star learning and work!



For showing all the school values everyday. Cormac always gives his best at whatever he does and is always respectful to everyone.




For showing the school value of Achievement. Quinn, you are always working hard and Being Your Best! What 


2AMadeleine Potter P

For showing the school value of Achievement. Maddy gives 100 percent effort into everything she does in the classroom. Maddy is someone who can always be relied upon. Incredible effort.



For showing all the school values, confidently participating in class discussions and listening attentively for instructions.


2CJosh OFor showing the school value of achievement. Josh, you have shown my excellent work and concentration. I loved reading your recount of our trip to Bundoora. Keep up the great work
3AMaximusFor showing the school value of Achievement & Cooperation. Max, I'm always in awe of your ICT knowledge.

For showing the school value of cooperation and respect in the yard!



For showing the school value of achievement. Saski you always give tasks 100% and try your very best. I am so proud of how hard you have been working during our maths sessions this week creating and modeling the numbers you make. Well done!



For showing ALL THE SCHOOL VALUES! Madison is a kind and considerate class member who is always willing to help other students in our class. You’re a star Madison. Well done.



For showing all the school values each day. Shimaz is kind and thoughtful of others and puts in 100% effort on all tasks. Welcome to ENPS Shimaz!



For showing the school value of achievement and resilience during camp.


5AJude and Heidi

For showing all of the school values each day. Heidi and Jude are welcoming of others, and they also put a lot of effort into their school work.



For showing the school value of Achievement. Priya, you produced an outstanding piece of writing for your cold write.The standard of your writing pieces are exceptional! You should be very proud of yourself.  


5CAlex CFor showing the school value of achievement by producing a very convincing piece of writing about  why the beach is better than the bush! Well done!
5DTomFor showing the school value of Achievement. Tom loves to extend himself in Writing, Reading and especially Maths. He has produced a wonderfully creative Cold Write and already mastered multiplying decimals. Congratulations, Tom.






For showing the school value of Respect. Zoe, you always engage with everyone in a way that is respectful. Well done!


For showing the CARE school values. Annabelle, thanking you for always working at your best and treating others with kindness. 

6BBeatrixFor showing all the CARE values. Beatrix you always work hard in class and treat everyone with kindness, we are so lucky to have you in 6B!

For showing the school value of Achievement by showing a great work ethic and fantastic presentation in his workbooks






For showing the school value of achievement when learning rhythm notations on percussion instruments!





For showing the school value of achievement. Your self portraits are looking amazing!


For showing the school value of Achievement. Wonderful robots 1A!


For showing the school values of cooperation and achievement. You worked so hard and encouraged and supported each other. Well don!




For showing the school values of cooperation and respect in our teamwork activities.


LibraryPrep B

For showing the school value of RESPECT with great listening during our storytime!


Science4AFor showing the school value of Achievement in our decomposing and recycling lesson!