Principal News

Introducing David Foley and Tandy Johnson

Principal News - March 2024 


At assemblies each week we have been congratulating our Student of the Week Award winners for each class and announcing student coordinators and leadership groups. Empowering students to have student voice and agency in decisions representing the student body is positive and rewarding. Building a sense of team and inclusion is a cultural feature we wish to embed. As well we encourage diversity and opportunities for children to have a wide range of shared experiences in the life of the school with other children in their level and from other year levels. Our buddies program is a great example of this.


Our year Prep classes have joined our school timetable and now share the same recess and lunch play times as the rest of the school. 

School tours for 2025 Prep enrolments have commenced and a list of available tour dates in on the school website. To book a tour go to

In week 7 the year 6 students go to the Phillip Island Adventure Camp. They will have a great time and it is frequently reflected as the best event for year 6 in student graduation speeches. Harmony Day was explained to the students at assembly. Students dress in orange colors and wear cultural dresses. Special events are held on this day.