Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
House Captains Message:
Hi, this is an update on behalf of all of the House Leaders.
It has been a great start to the year so far and we have been very competitive in our swimming carnival and some students have been lucky enough to represent our school in higher levels. We are hopeful that we will do just as well at all the upcoming events. We've also been very busy looking after all the sports equipment, trying to make sure that everyone will have fun at recess.
Curriculum Update
Over the past few weeks, the Foundation Students have commenced an underarm throwing unit. The purpose of this unit is to teach the students the five-step process to throw an object underarm.
To begin the unit the students watched a video outlining the five-step process (Tik, Tok, Step and Rock). This enabled the children to apply the process to the stationed activities which were set in each lesson. One of the activities was Level Up. This exercised taught the students about throwing and release power as they had to throw a bean bag into hoops that were set at different distances.
This unit of learning also provided the students with the opportunity to practise their underarm throw using different types of equipment such as bean bags, gator skin soft balls, tennis balls and basketballs.
The Foundation Students also complete their first portfolio tasking involving the human body. The students had the opportunity to colour the different parts of the body and label them with teacher assistance.
Year One/Two:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 1 and 2 students have commenced an underarm throwing unit. The purpose of this unit was to revisit, refine and grow their confidence with throwing underarm.
To begin the unit the students watched a video outlining the five-step process (Tik, Tok, Step and Rock). This video helped refresh the student's memory of the throwing process. This enabled the children to apply the process to the stationed activities which were set in each lesson. One of the activities was Level Up. This exercised taught the students about throwing and release power as they had to throw a bean bag into hoops that were set at different distances. One the students demonstrated confidence in this activity, we moved on to Snowball which was a faster paced game.
This unit of learning also provided us with the opportunity to incorporate some Indigenous throwing games such as Gorri. This game asked the students to throw soft gator skin balls at a Swiss ball in the middle of the gym and try move it to the finish line. Again, their throwing technique and accuracy were called upon during the game.
The Level 1 students completed their first portfolio task for the year which involved the Aboriginal Flag and the contribution they have made to the sporting landscape.
The Level 2 students completed their first portfolio task for the year which looking at people they trust in their lives and reasons why.
Year Three/Four:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 34 Students concluded the Sporting Schools table tennis program. It was very pleasing to see the student's growth over the three weeks as they grasped the fundamental skills involved with the game and demonstrated a willingness to apply them to activities and match play. One of the most pleasing aspects of the program was watching the students move into match play, constructing points and rallying with the opposition team. This program was a great success as the hand-eye coordination skills they practised can be applied to a number of other sports.
The next unit we moved on to involved kicking and the sport AFL. The students learned and practiced the key skill involved with the game and applied them to different drills such as football tennis and fire in the hole. Once they demonstrated the required level of confidence, we progressed to a game of touch football with certain modifications.
Year Five/Six:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 56 Students concluded the Sporting Schools table tennis program. It was very pleasing to see the student's growth over the three weeks as they grasped the fundamental skills involved with the game and demonstrated a willingness to apply them to activities and match play. One of the most pleasing aspects of the program was watching the students move into match play, constructing points and rallying with the opposition team. This program was a great success as the hand-eye coordination skills they practised can be applied to a number of other sports.
The next unit we moved on to involved kicking and the sport AFL. The students learned and practiced the key skill involved with the game and applied them to different drills such as football tennis and fire in the hole. Once they demonstrated the required level of confidence, we progressed to a game of touch football with certain modifications.
The level 56 students also completed their first portfolio task for the year which provided them with the opportunity to explore the bodies energy systems (PC, Anaerobic and Aerobic systems). They learnt when the body utilised each system and ways in which you can train to improve a particular system.
District Swimming:
On Tuesday 27th February, twenty-four of our students represented USPS at the District Swimming Carnival. If was a fantastic day for all involved. All students should be super proud of their efforts in their races. In traditional fashion, the USPS team spirit was on display with lots of encouragement and cheering. One of the most pleasing aspects of the day was each student went home with a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place ribbon which is an amazing result. From the carnival, we had twenty-one students progress to the Division stage. We wish all of these students the best of luck. Go USPS!
Division Swimming:
On Friday 8th of March, twenty-one of our students represented USPS at the Division Swimming Carnival. To reach leave is a fantastic achievement in itself and something that all of the students should be very proud of. Our relay teams got us off to a flying start with our 12/13 and 11 boys both placing first and our 9/10 girls placing 1st and 9/10 boys coming second. From there we had some mighty efforts in the individual events with Stevie Jones, Lincoln Fage and Mila Biggs placing 1st in their respective butterfly events. Mila also placed 2nd in her backstroke event. We now have seventeen students who will represente our school at the Regional Carnival on March 22nd at Aquanation. A huge congratulations to all the students involved at Division and we wish our students the best of luck at the Region Level next week. Well done and GO USPS.
Upcoming Events
Region Swimming 22n March 2024 - Aquanation Ringwood
Level 3-6 Localised Athletics Trials 16th April 2024 - (Bill Sewart Athletics Track, East Burwood)