Year Three/ Four

Communicating with the Year Three/Four Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Melinda Rowe & Michelle Wright (Class 34A)
Lachlan Prasad (Class 34B)
Rebecca Calvert (Class 34C)
In our reading lessons this term, the students have been learning various reading comprehension strategies to develop their understanding of texts. The students have explored how to find the main idea of a text, summarise a text, and make connections between the text and themselves, another book or the world. The students have also been developing their reading stamina inside the classroom and at home; with the expectation that students read for 20 minutes each night and record their reading in their diary.
We have begun writing in 3/4 with a crash course in Persuasive and Narrative writing. The students have explored persuasive topics: learning how to create and choose reasons, understanding the vocabulary 'pro' and 'con', and supporting their reasons with evidence. The students thoroughly enjoyed arguing their perspective on topics such as "Swimming is better than running", "Dogs make the best pets", "School should start later", and "Saturday sports should be compulsory for all children"
In Narrative writing, the students have deconstructed the structure of a narrative and identified the key elements: an introduction, problem and resolution. The students have practiced planning a narrative from a given prompt, writing their narrative using expressive language, and editing their work for spelling errors, sentence structure and punctuation.
The students have also been completing scheduled handwriting lessons to ensure we are working on our fine motor skills. We need to make sure we have correct posture, our feet are flat on the floor and we are holding our pencils correctly.
It is fantastic to see the students developing their story ideas and writing stamina, and the year 3/4 teachers look forward to seeing how their writing continues to develop as the year progresses.
Learning to publish our work! The Grade 4's were so helpful and taught the Grade 3's how to login to the google drive.
The students have been continuing with their regular spelling program. We have recently learnt about prefixes and suffixes. We are now learning about doubling the consonants when there is a vowel suffix, such as in the word " begin + ing = beginning".
The students have been working hard to follow classroom expectations and demonstrate the school value of respect. The students have been actively listening to each other and the classroom teacher, using talk moves to contribute to classroom discussions and contributing appropriately to class discussions. Additionally, it has been fantastic to see the students moving out of their comfort zone and friendship group to meet and work with other students in their class.
Specialist Timetable
Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes. * These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *
3/4A | 3/4B | 3/4C |
P.E - Wednesday 9:40am-10:30am | P.E - Thursday 8:50am-9:40am | P.E- Thursday 9:40am-10:30am |
VISUAL ARTS - Thursday 9:40am-10:30am | VISUAL ARTS - Tuesday 2:40pm-3:30pm | VISUAL ARTS- Thursday 8:50am-9:40am |
PERFORMING ARTS - Thursday 8:50am-9:40am | PERFORMING ARTS - Thursday 9:40am-10:30am | PERFORMING ARTS- Wednesday 9:40am-10:30am |
SCIENCE - Monday 1:20pm-2:10pm | SCIENCE - Tuesday 1:20pm - 2:10pm | SCIENCE- Tuesday 9:40am-10:30am |
AUSLAN - Tuesday 2:40pm-3:30pm | AUSLAN - Wednesday 9:40am-10:30am | AUSLAN- Friday 1:20pm-2:40pm |